ISSN 2090-9497 (Print), ISSN 2090-9500 (Online) Editor-in-Chief Prof. Faisal Radwan, Medical University of South Carolina, Microbiology and Immunology, USA 
Connecting environment and health has become an inseparable pair of news as well as tremendous issues worldwide. The multiple causal relationships of the third millennium incites scientists, researchers, politicians, industrialists or even ordinary citizens of our planet, to raise very important questions and thoughts to prevent and correct the damage caused to nature (environment) as well as mankind (health). Being aware of this crucial problem and to join the global and worldwide trends, the creation of a cluster of researchers and scientists allowing them to share and express their experiences, has become a necessity and reality. Indeed, this new journal “Journal of Environment and Health – JEHE” meant to become a real platform that brings together ecologists, physicians, biologists, physicists, chemists, etc.
JEHE is a journal that meets the standards and expectations of scientists and researchers. All areas of basic and applied research directly related to the theme of the journal will be considered. Original articles, Technical notes, Review papers, Summaries of projects, Books reviews, etc can be submitted to JEH. All manuscripts are subjected to international journal standards. All papers will be subjected to two international referees for reviewing and comment before being published in the journal. Special issues that deal with one central theme will be considered for publication. The authors are invited to write a proposal using the template of the journal. For more details, please contact the editors or the secretary. Also, Conferences & Workshops can be considered for special issues. For more details, please contact the editors or the secretary.
The journal accept papers in English and French
Ecosystem and health- raction between degradation of environment and human health Human health, prevention, diagnosis and treatment- Systems “host- parasites” and animal & human health- Ecotoxicology Genetic biodiversity