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Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal



The Impact of COVID-19 on Accountants: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

1Noha A. Alessa 2Hebah S. Shalhoob,,
Abstract :
Abstract The current research aimed to investigate the impact of COVID-19 quarantine periods on accountants’ performance and remote work environment in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, it aimed to examine government and professional bodies support and its implications on accountants adaptability to the changing work environment. Following a descriptive analytical research design, the research utilized a structured questionnaire survey to collect data. The participants were (1,086) accountants responded to the questionnaire. The research was conducted during the years 2020/2021. Results indicated COVID-19 had a large positive impact on accountants performance, whereas it had a negative impact on reducing the scope of work and reducing liquidity. Additionally, there were negative and positive impacts on accountants’ work environments in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, there was a large positive impact of Government and accounting professional bodies’ support on accountants adaptability during COVID-19. The impact of Government and accounting professional bodies’ support on accountants adaptability during COVID-19 can be predicted by the impact of the remote work environment on the performance of accountants, also the accounting profession has a positive role in times of pandemics and crisis. The research recommendations included providing accountants with ongoing training courses to improve their performance and technological skills during pandemics.


The Change of Color Concept at Enamel Art and its effect on Visual Culture in Saudi Society

Masudah Alaam Qurban,
Abstract :
There are many views that view the taste of colors technically as a kind of judgment and preference for the concept of color and its impact on the recipient, and that the artistic taste of the colors is a cognitive process depends primarily on visual culture, and the collection of data and information that help form a philosophical framework For the reasons for the artistic taste of the color, the connoisseur must be able to collect numerous information on how the various works of art, especially those associated with enamel art, work in metal works; such data and information should attempt to acquire and use bitter knowledge Duck with all of the artistic subject and the artist, and art materials used, and also the historical context, and aspects related to technical methods used in the formulation of the artwork. The research aims to achieve changes in the concept of color in the art of enamel metal works. And the development of visual culture in Saudi society through the element of color in the art of enamel. While the problem of research is the possibility of reaching the concept of color in the art of enamel through the development of visual culture in Saudi society.


Distance education impact on Saudi architecture: design and formation during Covid-19 pandemic: Case study Makkah city apartments

Abstract :
Abstract: We demonstrated the importance of critically questioning the assumptions, rationales, and views of parents and students that shaped apartments when attending online classes during the covid-19 pandemic. It is shown that online education forms huge pressure on apartment designs, rooms’ functions and furniture arrangements. These desire and needs include technical preferences, economic aspects, and personal preferences. The following results were found: Parents and students coped with this by choosing a space that achieves the maximum benefits of the following: (i) access to natural light, room temperature, and proximity to the Wi-Fi were the most important technical preferences; (ii) regarding personal preferences respondents preferred quietness, maintaining privacy, feeling safe, and last having clear and easy access during attending online classes; (iii) in terms of the cost concerns, respondents priorities minimizing the cost by using existing furniture and planning for the potential restoration beforehand. Finally, the dilemma of temporary study place appeared during the enforcement of distant education caused by Covid-19 infection. It is a consequence of f having fixed study spaces in the existing apartment designs in Makkah, and maybe in the whole country. It is confident to stat that apartment’s occupants are able to manage and change the apartment layout to meet most of the sudden or emergency situations. However, having a work or study place right from the early stages of designing the apartment is unarguably better.


The Impact of the Internet of Things on Information Institutions from the perspective of Library Employees

Huda A. Kanber, Suaad H. Hassan Al-Taai, AbdulRahman M. Mohamed,
Abstract :
The present paper addresses the role of the Internet of Things applications in supporting knowledge management activities in information organizations and so their services improve. To achieve this objective, the research adopts the descriptive approach through the investigation and analysis of the intellectual outcome published in the Arab and foreign countries to identify the relationship between the Internet of Things and knowledge management activities in information institutions. The results indicated that information institutions benefited from the Internet of things in tracking all the physical and intangible entities in these institutions and defining their locations in case of loss or replacement. Moreover, they could define the numbers of visitors, peak hour and the most used sources. Hence, they offered fast and interactive services that comply with the aspirations of the beneficiaries. The research recommends that various information institutions should take the initiative to benefit from the Internet of things applications that fulfill the new requirements of their beneficiaries.


The Impact of Innovation Management on Achieving Sustainable Development Dimensions during Covid-19 Circumstances

Lulwa Mohammed Al-Dossary, Mansour S. M. Lotayif, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi,
Abstract :
The present paper aims to identify the reality of applying innovation and sustainable development management as well as the impact of innovation management on sustainable development. The sample consisted of (285) employees, representing (26.09%) of the study population, who numbered (1092) employees in the Ministry of Information Affairs in the kingdom of Bahrain. The study adopted the innovation management scale and the sustainable development scale. The results were obtained using the SPSS statistical analysis program. The results revealed that implementing innovation management was of relative importance and the most applied dimension of innovation management was the technological one. Moreover, there was a positive and statistically significant correlation between innovation management dimensions and achieving sustainable development. The study recommends educating administrators about the importance of innovation management and its influential role in achieving sustainable development and increasing the powers granted to employees to competently solve the various problems that may face the organization.


Indian Higher Education in World University Rankings – The Importance of Reputation and Branding

Ashwin Jerome fernandes, Balvinder shukla, Habib Fardoun,
Abstract :
Branding in higher education gives institutions an identity that locates them in the social world. Although the promotion of branding assists in innovative ways to promote the development of a product or service, the contribution is equally as important as recognizing that branding goes beyond the promotion. Branding essentially holds corporations and institutions, such as higher education institutions, accountable for the worth of the product or service they offer. Branding is the intangible feature an organisation or institution upholds and delivers. The implications of branding initiatives in higher education are shown to be beneficial in the overall success of an institution’s identity, enrolment, marketing strategies, and recognition. Branding is an important aspect to consider fostering the reputation of Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s). However, the process to include aspects related with branding is not an easy task. This paper describes a study of the inclusion of Branding Methodology in some Indian HEI’s.


Fostering reputation of Higher Education Institutions in International Ranking by means of diversity of international collaboration

Ashwin Jerome Fernandes, Balvinder Shukla, Habib Fardoun,
Abstract :
Global ranking, known as the global league tables of Universities, is a relatively recent phenomenon. The rapid and worldwide dissemination of annual international rankings of universities and the inevitable influence they have on Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) and other parties who interact with them is well recognised. An important aspect included in the different Rankings is related with Internationalisation. International partnerships between universities are beneficial to all, from the staff and students to the world as a whole. In that way, in this paper is described a proposal about increase reputation offering different internationalisation mechanisms. A survey was done in different HEI’s in Iberoamerican countries (Staff, Professors, Students) to determine the most important aspects need to be considered.


Human capital Training Cost and its impact on manpower planning in the Kingdom of Bahrain An Empirical Study (An Empirical Study on a sample of commercial bank and the central bank in the kingdom of Bahrain)

Ghada Almehza, Ammar Esam Al-Sammarraee, Nadya Alshareeda,
Abstract :
The Study aimed to know the impact of human capital training cost on manpower planning through the application of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour in the Kingdom of Bahrain, research population had the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour, they were taken (500) employees each ministry, a total of 1,000 employees as Random, were retrieved (766) questionnaire were excluded (4) questionnaires are not valid for statistical analysis, so were analyzed (762) are valid for analysis, reached Returns percentage (76.6%), The study found the following results: There is a positive impact human capital training cost on manpower planning, the training cost was a positive impact on both manpower planning indicators of external and internal environment analysis, determine the supply of labour force, determine the expected demand of the labour force, the decisions, and there is a positive learning impact onn the manpower planning in all indicators planning, exception of the expected demand of the workforce. The researcher recommends to: The need for the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour in Bahrain increase physical support to evaluate the training program, and to review the work procedures in human resources management, attention to hiring new graduates to take advantage of their ambitions process and try to adapt and connect them with the objectives and the strategy of the ministry.


The Impact of Creative Accounting Methods and the Reliability of Financial Statements - An Analytical Study of a Sample of Employees Working in Auditing Firms and Joint Stock Companies on the Bahrain Stock Exchange

Marwa Hasan Ali Hamada, Ammar Esam Al-Sammarraee, Nadya Alshareeda,
Abstract :
The fraud and deception in the use of accounting methods known as creative accounting practices lead to the improvement of the status of the company in the short term, ut its because of landslides for those companies in the long term and this should be the external auditors familiarity with all the misleading accounting practices that could be adopted by the accountant directing the administration and follow appropriate hat lead to manipulation and fraud in the financial reports with the review of accounting policies and estimates of the management in order to achieve the goals of the companys mechanics and thus access to reliable financial reports free of fraud and deception so that he can express a neutral opinion on the fairness of the financial statements . Concept of the research: Identify concepts and creative accounting reasons. , Identify creative accounting methods used by the companies participating in the stock market through analytical study., Identify the impact of creative accounting practices on the financial statements of the companies contributing to the stock market. In this context we reached the following results: The importance of the moral dimension of accountants because of built decisions on the results of creative accounting practices and the importance of credibility in the financial statements and this does not mean that the importance of the artistic dimension to the accounting profession.,The methods used in the creative accounting in the companies under study of relatively great importance on the credibility of the financial statements by the standard used to study. The main recommendations researcher: The need to identify all the creative accounting practices in order to find appropriate solutions., The necessity of activating the awareness of the ethical dimension of the accounting profession as it has the greatest impact in the production of lists of highly credible financial benefit to the economy in general and on the relative development and continuation of the companies. and The necessity of activating the powers granted to external auditors and develops pieces of legislation governing the work of accounting so that they can adjust the fraud, manipulation and detection of errors.


The Role of Accounting Information Systems in Supporting Privatization Program (An Empirical Study in Bahrain Airport Company, Cars Puplic Transportation Company and AL Hidd Power Company)

Mariam aref alsheek, Ammar Esam Al-Sammarraee, Nadya Alshareeda,
Abstract :
The study aims to focus on the role of accounting information systems in supporting the privatization process and to highlight the challenges facing the privatization process, as well as submitting recommendations that would support the privatization process to ensure they achieve their objectives efficiently. Accordingly, the researcher formulates the research problem to answer some questions like; the importance of accounting information systems in supporting the privatization process, and what are the obstacles and challenges that may limit the privatization of its goals and how to overcome them. The research was built basically to answer the question (What is the role of accounting information systems in supporting privatization programs?). The community and the sample of the research were 20 employees working in three privatized companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The questionnaire has been distributed to them, and then gets and analyzes the data. Of the most important results reached was that the decision-making related to privatization depends mainly on the efficiency and accuracy of the information process provided, as it turned out that the most important element in supporting the privatization programs is the efficiency and accuracy of information provided by the accounting system. In light of the findings of the research, the researcher have provided some recommendations the applied accounting system in the company to have the ability to control the accounting operations during the preparation work was the most important, and that accounting information provided by the accounting system must match the nature of the decisions taken, as recommended the importance of training and qualification of the staff on the latest accounting systems and also stressed that not any government facility should be privatized except after a deep, objective study that indicates the importance of a privatization process.


The Role of Banks in Monitoring and Detection of Money Laundering Operations (An Empirical Study on a sample of commercial bank and the central bank in the kingdom of Bahrain)

Sharifa Hasan Najim Althawadi, Ammar Esam Al-Sammarraee, Nadya Alshareeda,
Abstract :
Research aims to examine the role of banks in the control and detection of money-laundering operations in the Kingdom of Bahrain, and to determine the responsibility of banks in money laundering cases, and clarify the concepts for money laundering and risks, and also to make recommendations addressing the phenomenon of money laundering and attempting to reduce their presence, and to highlight the role and responsibility of banks in money laundering cases. The sample consisted of 102 employees and an employee of the Bank, the Central Bank of Bahrain and some commercial banks, 22 members of the Central Bank of Bahrain Bank, 80 employees from a number of commercial banks. The presentation of the results of research and analysis and precede with a brief sample of the sample search, There is a positive relationship between methods of countering money-laundering and the understanding of your employee’s regulations and legislation on money laundering. And a fork of this result, the following results. A statistically significant relationship between methods of countering money laundering in commercial banks and the perception of staff regulations and money laundering legislation. - A statistically significant relationship between methods of countering money-laundering operations by the Central Bank of Bahrain and the perception of staff regulations and legislation. Moral differences of statistical significance among the methods used to counter money laundering in commercial banks and the Central Bank of Bahrain and the perception of staff regulations and legislation were due to some demographic variables. Which dealt with the researchers main conclusions of the research that the researcher has formulated recommendations hoping that utilized different banks in Bahrain transfer of ownership. These recommendations include: - The need for the Government to control the availability of equipment to combat money laundering in commercial banks. - Cooperation of all judicial, legislative and Executive in the fight against money laundering. - Urgent action on enacting laws to combat money laundering at all levels as to tighten provisions on combating bribery, cronyism and malfeasance in the Penal Code and the development of the role of oversight and accountability to the legislative bodies through various parliamentary instruments. The researcher also proposed in this chapter some of the research that has been addressed by other researchers.


The Effect of Valontery Disclouser on the Financial Performance of Commertial Banks Sector on Bahrain Bourse: An Empirical Study

Naser Abdulrahman Al-Fehani, Talal Al-Alkawi, Saeed Al-Dulaimy, Fejer Binshams,
Abstract :
The study to examine the impact of voluntary disclosure on the financial performance of the commercial banking sector in Bahrain Bourse. The volentory disclosure was measured by using eight groups of indecators: General and Strategic information; Corpo rate governance; Financial performance; Non-financial information; Risks; Social and Environmental disclosures; Future expectations; and All Indicators Combined, as an independent variable. The return on equity (ROE) and Earning pe Share (EPS) was used to measure the financial performance as a dependent variable. This study adopted a descriptive statistical method, the data was collected from the annual reports of all the commercial banks, listed in the Bahrain bourse for a period of seven years from 2012 to 2018. The study found several results, the most important of which is that the average voluntary disclosure rate for banks in the commercial banking sector in Bahrain Bourse has reached (58%), which is higher than all studies that have been examined. The study also showed that there is a significant impact for general and strategic information, risks, and all indicators combined on financial performance when using the EPS, while the impact on financial performance was only for the volentory disclosure of risks and all indicators combined when using ROE as a depedent variable to measure financial performance, and there is no significant impact for the remaining variables on performance. The study recommended that the commercial banks to expand the voluntary disclosures on general and strategic information and Risks, and to continue disclose on remaining variables.


The Effect of Board Characteristics on Intellectual Capital in the Commercial Banks Sector Listed on the Bahrain Bourse: An Empirical Study

Sughra Ali Hasan Ebrahim, Basel J. A. Ali, Mohammad Salem Oudat,
Abstract :
This study aims to examine the effect of Board Characteristics (Size, Independence, Board meeting, Nationality diversity, Educational level diversity) on intellectual capital (IC) performance of banks listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. The study is based on an analysis of the annual reports of a sample of (7) Bahrains banks from the period 2014 to 2018. The study also used the method of correlation and regression to analyze the relationship between the variables of the study. The results of the study indicated that there is a significant interest in good governance practices in the Bahraini business environment, as well as a significant correlation between the size of the Board of Directors, the independence of the Board of Directors and the performance of intellectual capital. While the study found no significant relationship between the number of meetings, diversity in nationality, diversity in educational level, and the performance of intellectual capital. Finally, there is a relationship between the size of the Board of Directors and the performance of intellectual capital. The study also recommended more research to identify other variables that may have an impact on the performance of intellectual capital.


The Effect of Financial Risks on the Financial Performance of Banks listed on Bahrain Bourse: An Empirical Study

Fatema Jasim Mohamed Jasim Harban, Basel J. A. Ali, Mohammad Salem Oudat,
Abstract :
The study aimed to examine the effect of financial risks on the financial performance of banks listed on Bahrain Bourse, SPSS 22 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive test in addition to multiple regression were used. To achieve the objectives of the study (capital risk, exchange rate risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk) represent the independent variables, the return on assets and return on equity were used to measure the dependent variable. The data was extracted from the annual reports of the 13 sampled banks for the period 2014 to 2018. The study found that there is no significant effect of the exchange rate risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, bank size on the financial performance of the banks measured by the return on assets, while there is positive effect of capital risks on the performance of the banks. The study found no significant effect for all the variables on return on equity. The study recommends to extend this study by conduct comparative studies in the kingdom of Bahrain and the gulf for other sectors such as insurance sector.


The Relationship between Non-Performing Loans and the Performance of Commercial Banks Listed on Bahrain Stock Exchange: Empirical Study

Wafa Ahmed AlRowaiei, Mohammad Salem Oudat, Basel J. A. Ali,
Abstract :
The study aimed to examine the relationship between non-performing loans and the performance of commercial banks listed on the Bahrain Stock Exchange. To achieve the objectives of the study (non-performing loans, market value, operating costs, capital adequacy, cash reserve) represent the independent variables, and the return on equity was used to measure the dependent variable (financial performance). A set of diagnostic tests were performed to ensure the appropriateness of the data for the regression analysis used, in addition to using the Breusch- Pagan Test to measure the homogeneity of the contrast, the Wölderj-Godfrey test for the self-correlation of the remaining residues (Autocorrelations) and the Tests for normality to ensure the normal distribution of residues Analysis the Pooled OLS data collection method was chosen. The financial data analyzed was mainly extracted from the annual financial reports of the 7 sampled commercial banks for the period 2014-2018. The results showed a statistically significant relationship between non-performing loans and the financial performance of commercial banks, in particular, there is a negative relationship between non-performing loans and financial performance whether it is return on equity or return on assets. Moreover, for operational costs, capital adequacy and cash reserves have a positive relationship with financial performance for both models. Meanwhile, only market value has a negative relationship with return on equity but it is positive with return on assets. However, the results of this study provide different recommendations to management and decision makers in commercial banks and one of the most important recommendations is that, commercial banks management shall evaluate clients and grant those loans depending on their credit efficiency. Also, they must review the granting loans procedures. The study also recommends that the management of commercial banks shall continuously work to improve the operational efficiency by enhancing the production of inputs ratio to the maximum extent possible in order to obtain the greatest outputs.


Ownership Structure and the CEO Compensations: An Empirical Study on Bahrain Commercial Banks

Hessa Ali Alkooheji, Mohammad Salem Oudat, Basel J. A. Ali,
Abstract :
The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between the ownership structure and the CEOs compensation for commercial banks listed on Bahrain Bourse. The study sample consisted of published data for seven Bahraini banks for the period 2015-2019. The study employed Panel Data, as this type of data includes both Cross-Sectional Data and Time-Series Data, as it takes into account individual and time factors whose effects on the dependent variable cannot be observed. Data were collected and extracted from the annual financial reports of the 7 Bahraini commercial banks for the period extending from 2015 to 2019. The results found that there is a negative statistically significant relationship between institutional ownership, foreign ownership, and the executive directors compensation. Institutional ownership and foreign ownership decreased the compensation paid to the CEO, as well as a positive statistically significant relationship between family ownership and the executive director’s compensation, as the results indicate that the greater the family ownership, the greater the compensation paid to the CEO. It was also found that there is no statistically significant relationship between the administrative ownership, the size of the bank, the age of the bank and the compensation of the CEO, as the results indicate that the administrative ownership does not affect the compensation paid to the CEO. The study came out with several recommendations for the authorities like, encouraging commercial banks to use administrative ownership in achieving convergence of interests between management and shareholders in order to restrict the beneficial behavior of management, also, considering the possibility of developing appropriate mechanisms to protect the rights of individual shareholders from the consequences of the problem of information discrepancy.


The Effect of Cash Flows Activities on the Financial Performance of Service Sector Companies Listed in Bahrain Bourse: An Empirical Study

Abdulrahman fahad Almulla, Talal Al-Alkawi, Saeed Al-Dulaimy, Fejer Binshams,
Abstract :
The study aimed to examine the effect of cash flows activities on the financial performance of service sector Companies listed on Bahrain Bourse, SPSS 22 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive test in addition to multiple regression were also used. The data was extracted from the annual reports of the 10th service Companies for the period 2014 to 2018. The study found that there is a positive effect of net operating and investing Cash-flows on the performance measured by the return on assets of the Service sector companies listed in Bahrain Bourse. While there is no significant effect of net financing cash-flow and company age on their financial performance measured by (ROA). The study recommends the necessity for the services sector companies to ensure the continuous of profits distribution to increase the confidence of creditors and investors, which encouraging and attracting investment and diversifying sources of income in implementation of the Kingdom of Bahrains econimic vision 2030.


The Commitment of Industrial Companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain to Disclose Environmental Cost (Case Study in the Aluminum Bahrain Company “Alba”)

Jaafer Mo-d Al-Mesaiadeen, Talal Al-Alkawi, Saeed Al-Dulaimy, Fejer Binshams,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify the commitment extent of industrial companies in disclosing environmental costs through a case study of the Bahrain Aluminum Company (Alba), to explore the relationship between the environmental cost and the efficient of application the environment disclosure, and also to ensure having the obstacles preventing its application. The study problem focused on the obstacles that prevent (Alba) Company from the commitment in implementing environmental costs requirements disclosure efficiently. In addition of the application constraints and their fittings with laws and regulations issued by international associations and organization versions in accordance of general accepted accounting principles. This study is based on an empirical descriptive approach, by using detailed questionnaire measured the extent of the Alba’s compliance with the disclosure environmental costs requirements, and discover the ability of company to passing constraints of implementation requirements. The sample of study contains eighteen employees of two departments in Alba company. The main conclusion of study is the weakness of Alba company implications the discloser requirements resulting of not adopting particular instructions requiring the company to implement the special form to disclose the environmental costs in the financial statements. The main recommendation of this study was concentration to develop standardized form of cost environmental disclosure that contributes to improvement the manufacturing companies accounting system.


The unilateral arbitration clause between permissibility and nullity

Nashat Mahmoud Jaradat, Ghassan JassimSarhan,
Abstract :
It should be noted that through researching the judicial applications of Arab countries on one of the issues that have occupied legal thoughts in the Western world for decades and still in one form or another, the so-called Unilateral Arbitration Clauses, we could not find a discussion about the applicability of this clause within the laws. Even though this condition takes a reasonable space of the legal arguments as previously mentioned, it has even become widely used in contracts such as tenancy, contracting, and financial investments.It was revealed through the research that the clause mentioned above, which we will discuss in detail later, has increased its use in financing contracts in recent times, especially with the increasing globalization of banking services and bank transfers. Although banks usually prefer to resort to traditional litigation, the inconsistent or more accurate, The lack of similarity in the legal rules and judicial applications related to banking transactions and their difference from one country to another was a reason for the banks preference, in one way or another, for the option of resorting to arbitration to remain an option.There is no examination for the legitimacy of an unequal or optional arbitration clause in Bahrain. Also, the Bahraini and Egyptian courts, to the best of our knowledge, until this moment, did not decide whether it should consider null or valid.The same case with the French courts, in which there are no cases that examined this type of clauses except for a case in 2006 and the other is a judgment close to the same issue on October 7, 2015, from the French Court of Cassation, which we will discuss it later.The English and American courts were a different issue. They examined this clause and have many judicial implementations, and this is due, in our opinion, to the fact that most of the arbitration terms either related to multinational companies operating within the framework of the Wall Street Stock Exchange in New York or those that stipulate the enforcement of British and Wales law on the provisions of the contract, especially that the nature of Contracting in the Anglo-Saxon system is more open and permits the introduction of stipulations and conditions that may be restricted by Roman law.Whereas many Arab countries in general, Bahrain and some Gulf countries, in particular, are seeking in their economic model to attract foreign investments and capital, especially those related to financial and banking industries, in order to diversify sources of income in local economies and one of the essential things that can be identified The decision of capital to enter the market in a country or move away from it is the judicial authority in terms of independence as well as in terms of the judicial application of legal texts, as these factors are directly reflected in the desire to invest as they clearly show the possibility of protecting investors through the judiciary or not.


The Impact of Job Stress Sources on Organizational Citizenship Behavior "A case Study on Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital Staff in the Kingdom of Bahrain"

Sayed Mahdi Majed Abdulla, Ibrahim Mohammed Hatamleh,
Abstract :
This research aims at identifying the impact of Job Stress Sources on Organizational Citizenship Behavior at Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital Staff in the Kingdom of Bahrain". Two hundred and seventeen employees were surveyed through a random convenient sample. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to a representative sample of the employees of the Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital Staff in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The findings highlighted the presence of a statistically significant effect of sources of job stress on organizational citizenship behaviors of hospital workers with an impact rate of (43.2%). In addition, the results indicated that the highest dimensions of sources of job stress affecting organizational citizenship behaviors of employees was the source of job stress for being responsible towards others with an impact rate of (28.9%). This was followed by the source of job stress for role ambiguity with an impact rate of (28.7%). Then came the source of job stress for the quantitative role with an impact rate of (21.1%).The findings also showed that the source of job stress for professional growth and advancement came in the last order with an impact rate of (17.8%). The study recommended that certain procedures and actions should be taken to improve organizational citizenship behaviors and reducing sources of job stress.


Electronic Human Resource Management and How it Affects Employee Performance

Aly Ahmed Abdullah Al Obaidly, Adel Mahmoud Al Samman, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi,
Abstract :
As suggested by many historians, technology is the main driving force in history. One of the main objectives of Electronic Human Resource Management (E-HRM) is to increase the performance of employees and organizations. However, few studies have addressed this issue in the middle east. This study is an endeavor to investigate how electronic HRM could be employed to enhance employee performance. In order to achieve the research objectives, the study used the descriptive analytical approach utilizing primary and secondary data. A structured questionnaire was designed and distributed, and then analyzed to test the study hypotheses using SPSS tools, such as Pearson Correlation, Cronbach Alpha coefficient, simple and multiple regressions were used. The study developed the literature review addressing the main sub contents associated to electronic HRM and its relation to employee performance. Finally, main findings of the study revealed that the E-HRM system components have a significant positive effect on enhancing the different HRM practices, and that E-HRM contributes to achieve the objectives of the organizations and staff development as well.


The Role of Re-engineering Administrative Processes in Improving Administrative Performance

Lwlwa Mubarak Abdul-Aziz Al Azmi, Mansour Saleman Mohamed Lotayif, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed Al Deeb,
Abstract :
This research aims at identifying the role of re-engineering administrative processes in improving administrative performance at the ministry of health in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Two hundred employees were surveyed through a convenient sample. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to a representative sample of the employees. The researchers hypothesized that there is a significant causal relationship between re-engineering administrative processes (radical redesign, fundamental changes and focus on key processes) and improving administrative performance (simplify work procedures, size of performance and speed up the work. Results showed that this hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, the results indicated, that there were no significant causal differences, relating to the role of re-engineering administrative processes (radical redesign, fundamental changes and focus on key processes) and improving administrative performance (simplify work procedures, size of performance and speed up the work) at the ministry of health in the Kingdom of Bahrain, due to the employees’ demographics (gender, age, qualification, position and years of experience).


The Impact of Effective Logistics Management in Achieving a Competitive Advantage: A case study at the Maritime Ports Customs Directorate in the Bahrain Logistics Zone

Haya Fahad Ali Fahad, Mansour Saleman Mohamed Lotayif, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed Al Deeb,
Abstract :
This research aims at identifying the impact of effective logistics management in achieving a competitive advantage at the maritime ports customs directorate in the Bahrain logistics zone. One hundred and twenty seven employees were surveyed through a convenient sample. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to a representative sample of the employees of the maritime ports customs directorate in the Bahrain logistics zone. The researchers hypothesized that there is a causal relationship between the dimensions of effective logistics management (warehousing, transportation and supply), and competitive advantage (cost, quality, time and innovation) at the maritime ports customs directorate in the Bahrain logistics zone. Results showed that this hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, the results indicated, that there were no significant differences, relating to the level of applying effective logistics management (warehousing, supply and transportation), and competitive advantage (cost, quality, time and innovation), at the maritime ports customs directorate, in the Bahrain logistics zone, due to the employees’ demographics (gender, age, qualification, position and years of experience).


The Impact of Psychological well-being on Employees ‘Participation at the Civil Service Bureau in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Asmaa Ali Rashid Al Dossary, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed AlDeeb, Marwan Mohamed,
Abstract :
This research aims to identifying the impact of Psychological well-being (self-acceptance, positive relationships with colleagues at work, independence, and self-development) on Employees’ Participation at the Civil Service Bureau in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Two hundred employees of various positions were surveyed through the comprehensive restriction method. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to the employees of the Civil Service Bureau in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The researchers hypothesized that there is a positive significant impact of Psychological well-being (self-acceptance, positive relationships with colleagues at work, independence, and self-development) on Employees’ Participation at the Civil Service Bureau in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Results showed that this hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, the results indicated, that there were no significant differences, relating to the impact of Psychological well-being (self-acceptance, positive relationships with colleagues at work, independence, and self-development), on Employees’ Participation at the Civil Service Bureau, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, due to the demographics (gender, age, qualification, years of experience and position).


The Effect of Work Engagement on Individual Innovation: An Empirical in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Hamad Ibrahim Mohamed Al Malky, Omar Rabeea Mahdi, Islam A. Nassar,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of work engagement on the individual innovation of employees in nationality, passport, and residency affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The quantitative method has been used in this study. Survey data was collected from 291 employees. The data were analyzed by using a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. The analysis of data supported sets of hypotheses established in the study. The results of this study found the significant effect of work engagement on the individual innovation of employees in nationality, passport, and residency affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Additionally, the results revealed that absorption was the most influential dimension on individual creativity followed by dedication, whilst vigor has no significant effect on individual innovation. The results also indicated that there are statistically significant differences among the opinions of employees regarding the work engagement and individual innovation of the employees in nationality, passport, and residency affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain based on demographic variables in terms of (gender, age, years of experience, and job level). This study significantly contributes to the existing literature in work engagement and individual innovation. This study also provides a practical implication for practitioners in terms of applying work engagement and individual innovation in nationality, passport, and residency affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It provides visions on how the work engagement deals with individual creativity in the Arab Gulf region especially in the public sector or government institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The findings provide a basis for other researchers to conduct new research in the future. The study suggested some recommendations among these; encouraging employee vigor by exerting high levels of energy and mental flexibility while working the necessity, enhance employees dedication to work by enhancing their sense of enthusiasm in the work they do, as well as, support employees who feel a high degree of absorption at work and who are controlled by a high degree of exhaustion.


Entrepreneurial Leadership and Competitive Advantage: Empirical Study of SMEs in Manufacturing Sector in Bahrain

Hussain Abdul Wahid Khamis, Omar Rabeea Mahdi, Islam A. Nassar,
Abstract :
Currently, the achievement of competitive advantage is an important and urgent issue facing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the wide Gulf region. However, the competitive advantage could be conducted through entrepreneurial leadership. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the causal relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and competitive advantage. The quantitative method has been used in this study. Survey data was collected from 230 SMEs from the manufacturing sector in Bahrain. The data were analyzed by using a statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. The analysis of data supported sets of hypotheses established in the study. The results of this study found that there is a significant relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and competitive advantage in SMEs. This study significantly contributes to the existing literature in entrepreneurial leadership and competitive advantage. This study also provides a practical implication for practitioners in terms of applying entrepreneurial leadership in SMEs. It also provides visions on how the entrepreneurial leadership in SMEs deals with the competitive environment in the Arab Gulf region especially in the kingdom of Bahrain. The findings provide a basis for other researchers to conduct new research in the future.


Impact of Entrepreneurial Education on the Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students in Private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Fatima Sayyar Alhadi, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed AlDeeb, Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem, Mohammed Yousif Abo Keir, Saeed Hammed Aldulaimi,
Abstract :
This study aims to identify the impact of entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial intention of university students in private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Three hundred and sixty two private university students were surveyed through a simple random sample, and the analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to a representative sample of private university students in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The researchers hypothesized that there is a positive significant impactful relationship between the entrepreneurial education {development of entrepreneurial characteristics and absorption of entrepreneurial skills (personal leadership skills, business administration skills and technical skills)} and the entrepreneurial intention of university students in private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Results showed that this hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, the results indicated, that there were no significant differences, relating to the impact of entrepreneurial education on the entrepreneurial intention of university students in private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain due to the demographics ( age and academic year), while there were differences due to the demographics (gender and major).


The impact of organizational culture and information technology capabilities on commitment to organizational change in light of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030 vision

Lubaba Almosawi, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi, Mansour Lotayif, Talal Al-Alkawi,
Abstract :
The aim of the research is to identify the impact of organizational culture and information technology capabilities on commitment to organizational change in light of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030 vision in knowledge resource centers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The research problem was formulated through the researchers work in knowledge resource centers, which made her feel the influence of organizational culture on commitment to organizational change, as well as a role for information technology capabilities in knowledge resource centers on the commitment of workers in these centers in light of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030 vision. The current research relied on the descriptive and analytical method to answer the research’s questions and test its hypotheses. The research community consists of all employees of the eight knowledge resource centers in addition to the main center, and the researcher relied on the method of comprehensive enumeration of the research community due to the small size of the original community for the research and therefore all employees working in the knowledge resource centers in the Kingdom of Bahrain are targeted in this research, and the final number of the research sample became (99 Male and female employees. The results indicated that there is a statistically significant impact of organizational culture on commitment to organizational change in knowledge resource centers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. It also indicated that there is a statistically significant impact of information technology capabilities to adhere to organizational change among workers in knowledge resource centers in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Also, statistically significant differences were found between the opinions of the knowledge resource centers employees about organizational culture and information technology capabilities and their impact on organizational commitment, which are attributed to the following demographic variables: (gender - age - educational qualification - experience - job title).


Impact of Customer Relationship Management on Customer Loyalty: Evidence from Kingdom of Bahreïn

Khadija Yousif Ali, Mansour S. M. Lotayif, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed AlDeeb,
Abstract :
This research aims at identifying the impact of customer relationship management [creditability, problem solving, meeting of customer needs, and quality of service (staff response, relatability, physical environment & communication)] on customer loyalty (cognitive, situational, behavioral & mandatory loyalty) at the banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain. A convenient sample sized 384 was utilized in the current research. The researchers hypothesized that there is a positive significant impact of customer relationship management [creditability, problem solving, meeting of customer needs, and quality of service (staff response, reliability, physical environment & communication)] on customer loyalty (cognitive, situational, behavioral & mandatory loyalty) at the banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Findings revealed that the main hypothesis was accepted. Moreover, the results indicated, that there were no significant differences, relating to the impact of customer relationship management [creditability, problem solving, meeting of customer needs and quality of service (staff response, reliability, physical environment & communication)], on customer loyalty (cognitive, situational, behavioral & mandatory loyalty), at the banks, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, due to the demographics (gender, qualification & years of experience). While there were, differences due to the demographics (age and position).


Impact of Applying Six Sigma Methodology on improving the quality of industrial processes at Bahrain Aluminum Company (ALBA)

Eman Mohamed Ali Janahi, Horiya Mohamed Ahmed AlDeeb, Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem, Mohammed Yousif Abo Keir,
Abstract :
This research aims to identify the impact of applying Six Sigma methodology (support & commitment of senior management, feedback & measurement, continuous improvement, operations & information systems, availability of the necessary human resources) on improving the quality of industrial processes at Bahrain Aluminum Company (ALBA) in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Three hundred managers of various administrative levels were surveyed through a simple random sample. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the questionnaire survey that was given out to a representative sample of the managers of Bahrain Aluminum Company (ALBA) in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The researchers hypothesized that there is a positive significant impact of applying Six Sigma methodology (support & commitment of senior management, feedback & measurement continuous improvement, operations & information systems, availability of the necessary human resources) on improving the quality of industrial processes at Bahrain Aluminum Company (ALBA) in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Results showed that this hypothesis is accepted. Moreover, the findings revealed that there were no significant differences, relating to the impact of applying Six Sigma methodology (support & commitment of senior management, feedback & measurement, continuous improvement, operations & information systems, availability of the necessary human resources), on improving the quality of industrial processes at ALBA, due to the demographic (gender), while there were differences due to the demographic variable (age, qualification, years of experience and administrative level).


The Impact of Using Information Technology on Job Performance of Employees In The Ministry of Health In The Kingdom of Bahrain

Alaa Mohamed Al-Qahtani, Adel Ali Alzyoud, Ahmed Kh. Muttar,
Abstract :
The researchs Goal is to discuss the importance of identifying the level of information technology usage and the level of job performance in the ministry of health in the kingdom of Bahrain, and to determine the impact level of using information technology on job performance in the Health primary. The study used the descriptive and analytical approach, using a sample to study consisted of (400) male and female employees of the primary health workers in the ministry of health in the kingdom of Bahrain. Many statistical methods were used to analyze data, such as arithmetic averages, Pearson correlation coefficient, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The results showed a positive correlation and a statistical function between the use of information technology and job performance in primary health, as the use of information technology explains (41.3%) of the variance in job performance in primary health, and the dimension of the physical components was the most An explanation of job performance in primary health, where it explained (32.1%) of the variance in job performance, followed by the dimension of databases, which explained (30.6%) of the variance in job performance Based on the conclusions, the study recommends increasing interest in the usage of information technology in primary health in the Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Bahrain because of its positive impact on improving the level of job performance, as well as increasing interest in training and qualifying human resources on the use of information technology, as it has shown its positive impact in improving job performance.


The Impact of Empowerment on Organizational Commitment: The Case of Islamic banks in Bahrain

Dalal Helal Al-Doseri, Adel Ali Alzyoud, Ahmed Kh. Muttar,
Abstract :
There is no doubt that empowerment is currently a very significant organizational issue. Reviewers and writers allege that there is a growing importance of empowering employees and giving them authority in their organizations. In fact, there is a perceived shortage of writings about the relationship between the empowerment and organizational commitment. This is a real motive for conducting this study. The key objective of this study is to investigate the impact of empowerment practices on organizational commitment in the Islamic banking sector in Bahrain. The study applied the descriptive research design and the quantitative approach. The researcher was able to contact 343 respondents; however 262 responses were received indicating that the response rate is 76.3%. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS version 20. The researcher depended on descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation and linear regression analysis to answer research question and examine the hypotheses. The findings showed that (1) there is an effective level of empowerment in the Islamic banks; (2) there is an effective level of commitment in the Islamic banks; (3) There is no significant difference in the perception of the respondents towards the relationship between empowerment and commitment in the Islamic banks in Bahrain, Bahrain attributed to demographic variables as (gender, age, education level, position, and experience). It also presented a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: (1) The need to develop and improve a high-level technological infrastructure that contributes to making all the information that workers need easily (2) Increasing management confidence in workers in a way that makes them share all data and information.


Using Artificial Intelligence to improve HRM practices in Bahrain

Manal Makki Abdulaziz, Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi, Marwan Mohamed Abdeldayem,
Abstract :
The purpose of the study is to determine the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in improving the effectiveness of the selection and recruitment of human resources in Zain Bahrain. This study followed a qualitative methodology design. The primary data was collected via semi-structured interviews and document analysis and the sample was 25 professionals in human resources management in Zain Bahrain. The collected data was analyzed using a thematic analysis and input-role model. The findings of the study reveal that there is a high effectiveness level of artificial intelligence technology in Zain Bahrain and there is a qualitative positive role of artificial intelligence with its dimensions (technological Skills-Automation-Expert Systems) in improving the effectiveness of the selection and recruitment of human resources. The study recommends looking to adopting more other dimensions of artificial intelligence in the selection and recruitment of human resources and working to share the positive practices of employees technological skills and cooperating to develop the scientific and specialized basis of selection and recruitment process as well as adjusting the technological systems based on this development.


The impact of employee empowerment on managerial creativity: An empirical study in the Ministry of Information Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Alaa Abdulaziz Qamber, Ahmed Kh. Muttar, Adel Ali Alzyoud,
Abstract :
The present study aimed to examine the impact of the employee empowerment (delegation authority, teamwork, training and motivation) on managerial creativity in in the Ministry of Information Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The research adopted the descriptive research design and the quantitative approach to answer the research questions and to test the hypotheses. The population of this study is a total of 1528 employees in the Ministry of Information Affairs in the Kingdom of Bahrain. For the purpose of this research, questionnaire as a data collection tool which was prepared based on previous studies that dealt with the research variables where it was distributed to 320 workers through self-administered survey. Overall, a total of 300 employees responded giving a response rate (94%). The analysis was conducted using multiple and simple regression to test the hypotheses. The results of this study indicated that the employee empowerment have significant impact on managerial creativity. Furthermore, the results revealed that delegation of authority had the highest impact on employee empowerment, while the training had the lowest impact on employee empowerment. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence to support the relationship between employee empowerment and managerial creativity. The present study provides the number of conclusions, recommendations and future studies.


The Impact of Succession Planning On Employée Retentions In Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company

Alaa Abdulla Touq, Ahmed Kh. Muttar, Adel Mahmoud Al Samman,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the sucsseion planning on employee retention in Gulf petrochemical inducrties company. The research adopted the descriptive analytical quantitative approach to answer the research questions and to test the hypotheses. The population of this research is a total of 176 employees in the middle management position in Gulf petrochemical inducrties company. For the purpose of this research, the questionnaire was prepared in light of previous studies. The total of 161 questionnaires were distributed through google forms survey. Overall, a total of 161 employees in the middle management position (manager, supervisor, superintendent) responded giving a response rate (100%). The analysis was conducted using multiple and simple regression to test the hypotheses. The results of the research indicated that develop the succession Plan have significant impact on employee retention (GPIC). Furthermore, results revealed that Implement succession Planning have the most impact on employee retention, followed by Analyse Talent pool, and Evaluate Succession Plan. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence to support the relationship between succession planning and employee retention. The present study provides the number of conclusions, recommendations and future studies.


The Impact of Leaders’ Emotional Intelligence on Employee Retention in Private Universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Noora Lahdan Binalshaikh, Ahmed Kh. Muttar, Adel Ali Alzyoud,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the leaders emotional intelligence (self-awareness - emotional management - emotional sensitivity) on employee retention in private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The research adopted the descriptive analytical quantitative approach to answer the research questions and to test the hypotheses. The population of this research is a total of 632 employees with leadership positions (academic and/or managerial responsibilities) in 10 private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. For the purpose of this research, the questionnaire was prepared in light of previous studies. The total of 300 questionnaires were distributed through self-administered survey. Overall, a total of 278 employees with leadership positions (presidents, vice presidents, deans and their deputies, heads of departments and other directors) responded giving a response rate (92.6%). The analysis was conducted using multiple and simple regression to test the hypotheses. The results of the research indicated that leaders’ emotional intelligence have significant impact on employee retention in private universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Furthermore, results revealed that self-awareness have the most impact on employee retention, followed by emotional sensitivity, and emotional management. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence to support the relationship between leaders’ emotional intelligence and employee retention. The present study provides the number of conclusions, recommendations and future studies.


Psychological Contract and its Impact on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors- an Applied Study from Bahrain

Maryam Esa Ahmed Abdulaziz, Adel Mahmoud Al Samman, Ahmed Kh. Muttar,
Abstract :
This paper aims to investigate the impact of Psychological Contract on the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors within governmental business context. The study encompasses workers of the governmental service sector in Bahrain. 280 questionnaires were distributed, using a simple random sample, to employees of different specialties. Simple and multiple regressions were used to analyze the data and test hypotheses. The main findings of the study reveal that the psychological contract used dimensions positively impact the Organizational Citizenship Behaviors at the studied organization. They also indicate that there are no significant differences among the responses of the sample individuals that could be attributed to the demographic variables such as gender, age, qualification, position title, and professional experience.


Artificial intelligence and automated accounting information system impact on the quality of financial statements

Ammar Al-Sammarraee, Nadya Alshareeda,
Abstract :
In this paper, we discuss the impact of the artificial intelligence and automatic accounting information system on supporting the quality of financial statemen. It is shown that different factors can be used to enhance the quality of financial statemen. The needed information to make different decisions. Finally the research recommended the importance of using artificial intelligence techniques in accounting information system to increase the efficiency and effectiveness these systems with focusing on raising the scientific and practical qualification for accountants in universities.


Numerical solution of a space-time fractional derivative of groundwater flow equation

Abstract :
The classical Darcy law is generalized by regarding the water flow as a function of a non-integer order derivative of the piezo¬metric head. This generalized law and the law of conservation of mass are then used to derive a new equation for groundwater flow. Two methods including Frobenius and Adomian Decomposition method are used to obtain an asymptotic analytical solution to the generalized groundwater flow equation. The solution obtained via Frobenius method was valid in the vicinity of the borehole this solution was in perfect agreement with the data observed from the pumping test performed by the institute for groundwater study on one of their borehole settled on the test site of the University of the Free State. The test consisted of the pumping of the borehole at the constant discharge rate Q and monitoring the piezometric head for 350 minutes. Numerical solutions obtained via Adomian method are compared with the Barker generalized radial flow model for which a fractal dimension for the flow is assumed. Proposition for uncertainties in groundwater studies was given


Detection of Wood Image with Rot Based on BP Neural network

Mu Hongbo,
Abstract :
Wood defect with rot reduces wood quality badly. X-ray is selected to be the testing source for nondestructive testing. The wood images with rot obtained from X-ray were preprocessed and extracted feature. The feature parameters were preprocessed and were input into BP neural network, and then the wood defects can be recognized. The experimental results show that the detection rate can be up to 86% and the performance shows that this method is very successful for detection and classification of wood defects. This study offers a new method for automatic detection of wood defects. It is useful for the scientific selection and effective utilization of wood resources.


Research on the Multicast Protection Algorithm Based on QoP+QoS in WDM Networks

Li Du,
Abstract :
Single link failure is the primary form of all kinds of network failures. Protecting survivable multicast sessions against single link failures in WDM networks has been becoming more and more important. Furthermore, measuring and improving the QoS (Quality of Service) and QoP (Quality of Protection) is of great significance to the development of multicast sessions with the enhancement of peoples consciousness of QoP and QoS. This paper studies the multicast protection approaches and algorithms based on QoP+QoS and puts forward some innovative designs. Firstly, we do qualitative and quantitative analyses about QoP+QoS. Secondly, VS_MFBG scheme based on VS (Virtual Source) is presented to save resources. What is more, we innovatively propose SDP_QPS (Shared Disjoint Paths based on QoP+QoS) algorithm. Shown in the simulation results, these designs can not only improve the rate of resource utilization, but also decrease the blocking probability and average delay.


Research on Interference Suppression of Pseudo-random Code Phase Modulation Fuse Based on EDTWD Analysis method

Yin Dafeng,
Abstract :
The anti-jamming ability of pseudo-random code phase modulation fuse is very strong. But the effectiveness of suppressing narrow-band interference is limited by the signal bandwidth. Thus, an effective method is developed to identify the narrow-band interference in the wide-band spread spectrum signal. Extended discrete-time Wigner-Ville distribution (EDTWD) analysis method is adopted to extract and reconstruct the narrow-band interference in the received signal of pseudo-random code phase modulation fuse. Then the interference is cancelled by the adaptive interference cancellation. The method doesn’t require any prior knowledge of interference signal, makes the received signal distorted little and can also be used in the circumstance of some interference sources. The simulation result showed that the interference signal after being separated and then synthesized had the similar frequency characteristics as before.



Abstract :
A category of singularly perturbed boundary value problem for nonlinear equation of fourth order with two parameters is considered here. The Adomian decomposition and Variational iteration techniques are used to propose an asymptotic solution to this problem. Some examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the two techniques for solving the boundary value problems of nonlinear equation of fourth order with two parameters. The two solutions are compared for small and large x.



A.Aghili, B. Parsa Moghaddam,
Abstract :
In this study, new theorems and corollaries on multi-dimensional Laplace Transformations have been presented. In addition, some applications based on these results have been developed. The two-dimensional Laplace Transformation is useful in the solution of partial differential equations. Some illustrative examples related to impulsive non - homogenous partial differential equations have also been provided.


Hyers-Ulam Stability of Linear Operators in Frechet Spaces

P. Sam Johnson, S. Balaji,
Abstract :
Hyers-Ulam stability of a linear operator between Frechet spaces is de ned. Necessary and sucient conditions for the existence of Hyers-Ulam stability of a bounded linear operator from a Frechet space to another Frechet space are given.


High Variability Resilient in Nano-Scaled Technologies for Low power 7T-SRAM Design

Shyam Akashe, Sanjay Sharma,
Abstract :
High variability in nano-scaled technologies can easily disturb the stability of a carefully designed standard 6TSRAM cell, causing access failures during a read/write operation. We propose a 7T-SRAM cell to increase the read/write stability under large variations. The proposed design uses a low overhead read/write assist circuitry to increase the noise immunity. Use of an additional transistor and a floating ground allows read disturb free operation. While the write assist circuitry provides a floating ground during a write operation that weakens cell storage by turning off the supply voltage to ground path of the cross-coupled inverter pair. This allows a high speed/low power write operation. Monte Carlo simulations indicate a 200% increase in the read stability and a boost of 124% in write stability compared to a conventional 6T-SRAM design, when subjected to random dopant fluctuations, line edge roughness, and poly-granularity variations. HSPICE simulations of a 45nm 64x32 bit SRAM array designed using standard 6T and proposed 7T SRAM cells indicate a 31% improvement in write speed, 30% decrease in write power, read power decreases by 60%, and a 44% reduction in the total average power consumption is achieved with the proposed design.

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