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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 12


An Empirical Study of the Effects of Key Quality Parameters on Operational Performance in the Soft Drink Industry

PP: 2933-2943
Baser K. Khazeal, Mohamed A. Hafez, Sajr S. Abdulah, Mohamad S. Shariff, Norbaya Hj Sdik,
The companys managements interests are concerned with the critical factors of quality and operational performance, which contributes to their potential for providing quality products that meet the needs of customers and their desires while simultaneously allowing them to produce competitive products. This research sought to determine the relationship and impact between the factors critical to quality and performance operations in the Karawanchi Group of Companies in Kirkuk. Consequently, several research questions were addressed, and a general framework for the problem was defined to determine the relationship and impact between the relevant quality factors and the operational performance within the company being investigated. This study concluded a correlation and a significant effect between the determinants of critical quality factors and operational performance. Each of the determinants of quality (the processing chain, the inspection process, the cost of operations, and customer satisfaction) was associated with operational performance. The collective crucial success elements notable and constructively influence operational performance. The quality of the testing process plays a crucial role in determining the success of activities inside the organization, particularly when materials are tested and compared against standard requirements. It was recommended that the company develop standards to assess the performance of the leaders and employees and adopt a comprehensive learning, training, and development system.

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