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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 2


The Duality of Freedom and Responsibility and Its Impact on Religious Defamation

PP: 329-340
Oum Keltoum H. Dawood, Sakinah M. Abdulhalim,
The research aims to highlight the relationship between freedom and responsibility, and to shed light on the ongoing debate between Western thought and Islamic thought regarding the nature of their interdependence and boundaries. The research also seeks to examine the impact of this divergence in shaping the emergence of phenomena that harm societies and sacred values, such as blasphemy, defamation, and religious violence, which can be directed as an extreme harmful reaction affecting all parties involved in the conflict. The research utilized the descriptive-inductive-analytical method as the most suitable approach for the studys subject matter. It yielded several important results, including: Western refusal to condemn religious insults is based on doctrinal reasons unrelated to the protection of freedom of expression and opinion, as claimed. The issue of defamation and blasphemy will remain unaddressed internationally due to the lack of sincere legal intent to address the phenomenon and prevent the misuse of freedom. One of the most contributing factors to religious violence is the constant defamation and defamation practices carried out by Western media on a daily basis against Muslims, using the international communitys silence and the principle of the right to expression as a cover. Islam, as a religion, has succeeded through its legislative and ethical system in balancing freedom and responsibility. Its established rulings from over 15 centuries ago remain resilient against change, influential in achieving global peace and security, and regulating the behavior of Muslims. This promotes coexistence that preserves the religious and social privacy of Muslims and prevents their sacred values from being defamed or insulted.

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