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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 01


The Pragmatics of Baseeta in Jordanian Spoken Arabic

PP: 65-71
T. Omar,
The present paper investigates the pragmatics of the discourse marker baseeta in Jordanian Spoken Arabic. Discourse markers play a crucial role in Arabic, as they do in other languages, by helping organizing and structuring speech or writing. They serve various functions, including indicating relationships between ideas, highlighting important points, expressing attitudes, and guiding the listener through the spoken discourse to achieve the speaker’s communicative goals. This study is mainly directed towards non-native learners of Arabic of who might be interested in exploring the various contextual and cultural aspects of the word by analyzing specific examples from Jordanian Spoken Arabic occurrences. The study seeks to closely examine the different context-dependent meanings and functions of baseeta as a multipurpose expression. The data analyzed showed that the discourse marker baseeta indeed is functional and conveys at least eight culturally meaningful functions.

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