Green-Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Via Spirulina Platensis Algae as a treatment for Iron Deficiency Anemia in rats |
PP: 1-20 |
Author(s) |
Hanaa H El-Sayed,
Amal H Emara,
Areej A Yassin,
Samah FH Diab,
Mohamed RM Masoud,
Abstract |
Anemia due to iron deficiency (IDA) is a global health issue that
affects people of all ages. Green synthesis has become a
dependable, sustainably sourced, inexpensive, and eco-friendly
method for the synthesis of many metal oxide nanomaterials.
Spirulina Platensis algae powder was used in this work to
synthesize iron oxide (Fe4O3) nanoparticles (IONPs). The particles
were examined, by transmission electron microscope (TEM), and Xray diffraction (XRD). The resulting particles were spherical with an
average diameter of 44 nm, according to the TEM data. The IONPs
in the mixture were determined by using a magnetic Stirrer (MS). The
long-term effects of IONP and their efficacy as an iron supplement
for IDA treatment via biological experiment were evaluated. Thirtysix albino female adult rats were used as three sets (12 rats/each),
the normal, the anemic, and the treatment group by IONPs till Hb at
a normal level. Then 6 rats after treatment fed a normal diet for 2
weeks to estimate the effect of IONPs after stopped intake.
Complete Blood Counts (CBC), Hb, serum Iron (Fe), and total iron
binding capacity (TIBC) were determined; each transferrin (TF) and
Transferrin saturation (TSAT)% were calculated. The blood markers
revealed anemia in the anemic group. IONPs significantly (P≤0.05)
improved each blood parameter for the anemia treatment compared
to the control and anemic group. The therapy with a normal diet
after IONPs did not significantly alter the blood indications. It has
been concluded that the IONP had remediation of anemia with no
long-term impacts. |