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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 9


The Grammatical Efforts in The Jurisprudence ofAbu Hanifah: Examples of Structures and Methods

PP: 2267-2274
Mustafa T. Al-Hayadreh,
This research attempts to identify the linguistic aspects that Imam Abu Hanifa resorted to in the various linguistic levels, and the consistency of his choices based on the linguistic aspects, and whether he adopted a specific approach from the approaches used by linguists in understanding and judging the text. Abu Hanifa al-Numan represents one of the poles of jurisprudence among the Sunnis, and his doctrine spread among a wide segment of the Sunnis in the various Islamic countries, and he had his opinions in which he distinguished himself from other scholars of other doctrines. Language constitutes a fundamental pillar in building the jurisprudential opinion adopted by this or that jurist, and Abu Hanifa, may God have mercy on him, is no different from other jurists in this aspect. He had his own understanding that made him choose an opinion different from what other jurists went to.

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