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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 9


The Role of Social Network Sites in Creating Awareness Among Egyptian and Pakistani Women About Their Fundamental Rights

PP: 2225-2239
Safa Osman, Faiza Rafique,
The study aims to identify the influence of social networking sites on Egyptian and Pakistani women by drawing on a survey from multinational cultural and linguistic environments that enrich the results and give us a chance for comparison according to education, age, and nationality variables. A Survey sample of (200) Egyptian women and (200) Pakistani women is designed to explore the impact. The most important result is indicating Facebooks importance as an essential information source for women, the study sample, whether Egyptian or Pakistani. Social Networking Sites are the most popular on the Internet because of the characteristics that distinguish them from other websites, encouraging Internet surfers worldwide to use them increasingly. Despite severe criticism of social networks, especially Facebook, due to their negative impact on the family and their contribution to its alienation and disintegration, many see them as an essential means of development and cohesion between communities. This study compares how Egyptian and Pakistani women understand social networking analytics, the convergence of concepts and perceptions about their fundamental rights, cultural relativism, and social practices. The paper further investigates these social networking sites active and distinguished role as a means of effective communication and their significant contribution to the revolutionary movements of popular uprisings, digital activism, and cyber-feminism. The theoretical framework focuses on the concepts of digital activism and social networking theory.

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