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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 9


The Degree of Jordanian Universities’ Impact on the Arabic Proficiency and Holy Quran Recitation of Non-native Speakers of Arabic: Malaysian & Indonesian Students as a Model

PP: 2025-2034
Mahmoud A. Mustafa,
This research aims to highlight the extent of impact of Jordanian universities on the development of the Arabic language and Holy Quran recitation skills for non-native speakers of Arabic (NSA) studying at universities in Jordan. The research sample included (107) Malaysian and Indonesian male and female students studying at several universities in the 2022/2023 academic year. A 22-item questionnaire was drawn up for the purposes of the research. For data collection, the research employed the descriptive analytical approach. The research revealed that, from the perspective of Malaysian and Indonesian students, the contribution of Jordanian universities to NSA’s proficiency in the Arabic language and Holy Quran recitation was high. Besides, the research showed statistically significant differences in favour of the Tilawati Method as opposed to Iqra’ Method. However, the research showed no statistically significant differences related to nationality. The research recommends that similar research be conducted in other Arab non-Jordanian universities.

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