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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 8


Leading with Love and Its Relationship to Faculty Members Job Loyalty in Jordanian Universities

PP: 2511-2520
N. Darawsheh, K. Alkailanee, N. Alquran, T. AL-Dawuod, M. Nawafleh, H. Jaradat, E. ALmomany, H. Alrashdan, S. Al- Shamali,
In This study we investigate the relationship between academic leaders practice of leading with love and faculty members job loyalty in Jordanian public universities, the study recruited (358) faculty members. The study finds that academic leaders practice leading with love to a high degree and that faculty members have high job loyalty. Additionally, there is a statistically significant positive relationship between practicing leadership by love and faculty members job loyalty. The study suggests that adopting leadership by love can enhance employee performance and achieve job satisfaction in universities.

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