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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 7


Empowering Self-Reliant Students: Navigating the Covid-19 Era as Autonomous Santri

PP: 2759-2767
Abdul Malik K. Amrullah, Salimatul Wadimah, Muhammad Zainudin,
This study investigates the effects that the COVID-19 epidemic had on the Ainul Yaqin Islamic Boarding College of the University of Islam Malang and its choice to use distance learning for all educational endeavors as a result of those effects. The research method used in this study is called a qualitative case study, and it uses many approaches to data collecting, such as observation, interviews, and documentation. The processes of gathering, reducing, presenting, and deriving conclusions from the data are included in data analysis. According to the findings, the implementation of remote learning has resulted in a shift in the emphasis placed on developing students characters. More specifically, more emphasis has been placed on the character characteristics of discipline, independence, and responsibility, which are crucial in an environment involving distance learning. These character qualities are honed throughout ones life through the cultivation of four stages and components of character: moral belief, moral action, moral responsibility, and moral awareness.

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