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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 6


A New Learning Theory-based Framework for Combining Flow State with Game Elements to Promote Engagement and Learning in Serious Games

PP: 2663-2677
Hussein K. H. Abd El-Sattar,
Serious games (SGs) are seen as a clear aid and a potential technique for motivating learners to engage in active and beneficial learning. The creation of SGs is a difficult task. Learning theory, learning aspects (pedagogy and learning materials), and game design are three cross-disciplinary issues related to successful SG design. Numerous studies have looked at this matter and provided guidelines and frameworks for resolving important research concerns. We discovered, however, that research hardly ever discusses the roots of learning theory in SGs. Unfortunately, designing proper SGs is still more of an art than a science. The science of SGs has to be developed on a strong theoretical basis. By illustrating how SGs may be understood from several theoretical viewpoints in learning theory and going through a number of core game design elements that are necessary for successful learning, this paper makes an attempt to solve this issue. Then, in order to encourage engagement and learning in SG contexts, we provide a new framework for the design and development of SG models that makes it easier to combine flow state with such game elements. The agile software process model serves as the basis for the development process in our system. The Unified Modeling Language was used to model prototypes and diagrams. A case study entitled "One day without the use of computer-based intervention technologies" was used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

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