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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 5


Unveiling the Emotional and Psychological States of Instagram Users: A Deep Learning Approach to Mental Health Analysis

PP: 1877-1890
Muhammad K. Alabdly,
People can now communicate with others who have common tastes to them and engage in conversation together while furthermore exchanging ideas, photos, and clips that convey their emotional states due to social media’s technology. As a consequence, there is an opportunity to investigate person sentiments and thoughts in social networking sites data in order to understand their viewpoints and sentiments when utilizing these digital platforms for interaction. Utilizing social network data to diagnose depression has gained extensive acceptance, there is still a number of unidentified characteristics. Due to its potential to shed light on the forecasting model, model complexity is crucial for facilitating communication. For example, the majority of algorithms for machine learning produce results in the automatic depression forecasting test that are challenging for people to understand. In this research the mental health condition is analyzed using deep learning approach by considering the data from Instagram data. In this investigation, researchers created the Hybrid deep learning approach, which divided the sentiment ratings into different categories: Neutral, Positive, Negative. Researchers also contrasted the performance of the recommended approach with other machine learning algorithm on a number of criteria, including accuracy, sensitivity, F1 score, and precision.

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