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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 5


Features of the Islamic Navy in the Early Days of Islam

PP: 1801-1812
M. N. M. Al-daajeh,
The importance of this study comes in an attempt to highlight the pioneering role of the Islamic Navy in its initial stage, the manifestations of the Shura thought between the caliph and the ruler, and to highlight the pioneering role of the caliphs and Muslim leaders in keeping up with the challenges of the times and arming with the most powerful weapons at the time, represented by ships and fleets to fight opponents from the Romans, and give priority to the interest of Islam and Muslims. In the continuity of the conquests, taking into account the necessary reasons to pave the way for the achievement of those goals until the necessary availability is available to complete the naval invasion. There is a proposal submitted by the governor of the Levant, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, to keep pace with the Romans in riding the sea, and the Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab was fully aware of the sea and its potential, but he preferred the principle of shura when he consulted his governor over Egypt, Amr bin Al-Aas, who had another opinion, and as a middle measure, Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab suggested to the governor Muawiyah to take care of the coasts, fortify them and build towers, and what can be done to prevent the attacks of the Romans. And when the opportunity arose in the succession of Othman bin Affan, he agreed to manufacture ships, and the Muslims achieved the most wonderful victories at that time. Therefore, this study came to investigate the features of the Islamic Navy, and those dialectical ones, and to determine its causes and details of its events in a template in which I relied on bringing narrations from the most important texts, analyzing and criticizing them, while citing the most prominent marine sites at the time.

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