The Role of Adapting Green Management in Raising the Organization’s Sustainability |
PP: 1501-1508 |
Author(s) |
M. A. Alaghbari,
B. Beshr,
Abstract |
The present study investigated the role of green management and assessed organizational sustainability in three environmental, social and economic domains. For this purpose, the study employed a systematic review that focused on published research papers on green management and its impact on organizational sustainability extracted from Google Scholar and peer-reviewed published papers in and after 2018. Fourteen studies were finalized that included both “green management” and “organizational sustainability” variables. The articles not available in the full text were searched with Sci-hub for complete articles. The systematic review analysis revealed a positive relationship between CSR, green innovation and sustainability. In addition, the environment, community, consumers and employees were all positively significant to organizational sustainability. However, some employees awareness and knowledge about sustainability dimensions were lacking. Based on study results, it is recommended for companies’ CSR to ensure environmental safety and sustainability. Environmental safety should be assured and preserved during natural disasters, emergencies, or economic crises of businesses. In addition, focus on green management roles and allocation of job designations for environmental and occupational health specialists will lead to organizational readiness for green innovation and the provision of safe and green products in the market.