The Reform of Apparatus Competence Development in Indonesia: Improving the Implementation System and the Implementing Actors |
PP: 1307-1317 |
Author(s) |
Adi Suryanto,
Antonius Galih Prasetyo,
Nurliah Nurdin,
Muhammad Aswad,
Abstract |
Competence development as the main approach to improve organizational performance and competitiveness is applied not only in the private sector, but also in the public sector. In numerous countries, this measure has been integrated with wider measures of bureaucratic reform. In Indonesia, however, the reform of competence development is also associated with the increasing awareness that the old model of competence development has insignificant effect on the achievement of organizational goals. Employing literature study, this paper attempts to describe and analyze the ongoing and prospective measures to reform the competence development of apparatus from two dimensions, namely the implementation system and the implementing actors. Observed from the implementation system, competence development has undertaken a great improvement with a great emphasis on workplace learning and online learning. Meanwhile, observed from the implementing actors, the improvement is carried out by reorienting the role of widyaiswara (trainers) and introducing a new functional position of competence development analyst. These measures are expected to allow more relevant implementation of competence development to achieve organizational goals as well as increase participant motivation and current challenges, even though the evaluation of the extent to which these reform measures are effective and successful will require time.