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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 7


Divorce Etiquette in the Holy Quran

PP: 3013-3021
Sahar A. Abdel-Fattah, Alaa F. M. Al-Borini, Laith M. Al-Azab, Nepal M. I. Al-Atoum,
This study dealt with a social issue, namely (the etiquette of divorce in the Noble Qur’an). The observer in our contemporary conditions finds the ignorance of many people in divorce, its rulings, and its etiquette, and it is an important problem whose social effects have exacerbated, and the disputes transcend the spouses, to include the effects of animosity between the family and the clan. Studying in order to draw from the help of our immortal Lord will not be a guiding light for us, leading us to coexistence in goodness, so that one knows what he has and what duties he owes, and he performs them as he commanded, and there is no way for us to rise except by following this pure source. This study dealt with divorce linguistically and idiomatically, and its types and provisions in the first requirement, and as for the second requirement, it has dealt with (the etiquette of divorce) exclusively in the Holy Qur’an and this is what distinguishes it from what I reckon with monitoring of what was mentioned by some commentators, especially the modern ones among them of etiquette and its cults, with the protest According to the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet, what was needed, in order to complete the picture of those manners.

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