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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 3


Reconciling Two Contradictory Understandings about the Law of Tahlilan on Social Media Indonesia

PP: 1739-1748
Sobhan Sobhan, Mahyudin Ritonga, Kholidah Kholidah,
The practice of tahlilan as one of the acts of worship in Islamic law is accommodated by some Muslims as a very important worship, especially at certain moments, and relies on arguments that do not want to be refuted. Meanwhile, there are other groups who reject the practice of tahlilan and desperately put forward arguments and arguments to defend their opinions, and some even conclude that it is a heretical practice. This article explains the pros and cons between the two opposing camps in the context of debating activities on social media. It will also bring together the two opposing camps with the principles of wasathiyyah in understanding the existing arguments as the basis for the practice of tahlilan worship. This research is a qualitative research with the main data source is the explanations of the two opposing camps on YouTube or literacy related to the research content. The findings of this study show that the activities of the camp that rejects tahlilan through social media illustrate a textual understanding of the arguments that are the basis for the tahlilan practice. Meanwhile, the camp that accepts and practices tahlilan understands the propositions contextually. This finding can have implications for the terminology of tahlilan worship as a religious leader in the new media era, which will coincide with the terminology of opinion makers and opinion leaders as new terminology in the new media era.

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