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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 5


An Interactive Website Based on the “Systemic Approach” to Develop Mathematical Problem-solving Skills in Students of Sixth Grade in Primary School in Jordan

PP: 1957-1972
S. Alkhatatneh,
This study examines how a systemic, interactive website promotes "mathematical problem-solving skills" in sixth graders. The study included sixth graders in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, and the Directorate of Education in Aqaba Governorate reported 1234 students. For the study, 60 female sixth graders (0.20%) were selected from "Al-Ashira Al-Sanawiyah Al-Mukhtalita" school in Aqaba Governorate, Jordan. The students were randomly divided into two groups: (1) the experimental group, comprising 30 students who learned using the interactive website based on the systemic approach, and (2) the control group, comprising 30 students who learned to use the usual method. In the study, the "quasi-experimental method" was used to evaluate the holistic approach of the interactive website for teaching mathematics to sixth graders. The results showed that teaching with the interactive website based on the systemic approach produced a statistically significant difference at the significance level (α\\ < lock\ > \ < \ < /lock > =(0.05)) in solving mathematical problems. This difference favored the experimental group. The results showed that the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre- and post-tests on mathematical problem solving were statistically significant at a significance level (α=(0.05) in favor of the post-application. This shows that the holistic approach of the interactive website to teaching "mathematical problem-solving skills " to sixth graders works. The study suggests creating basic education math books with a holistic approach and using interactive websites to teach "math problem solving" and thinking skills to sixth graders.

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