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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 2


The Role of Green Intellectual Capital in Strengthening the Elements of the Knowledge Economy: An Analytical Descriptive Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Managers in the Oil Products Distribution Company /Iraq- Nineveh

PP: 985-995
Amer S. Abd, Ibrahim. M. Jassim, Hasoon H. Hasoon,
The current research sought to identify the role of the dimensions of green intellectual capital in strengthening the elements of the knowledge economy, by determining the level of the relationship and the impact between them and applying it on the Oil Products Distribution Company in Nineveh, the sample of study was selected intentionally. It consists of (100) managers, as it relies on collecting data and information on the main research tool (questionnaire form), a number of statistical tools have been adopted, namely (correlation coefficient, linear regression). Where many conclusions were presented, the most important of which is indicating a case of the actual contribution of the dimensions of green intellectual capital in strengthening the elements of the knowledge economy in the researched organization. It also made a set of proposals, including the need for more attention to be paid to employing the possibilities and capabilities of green intellectual capital (human, structural, social) towards strengthening the elements of the knowledge economy in the researched organization, in a way that, it contributes to enhancing efforts in support of knowledge economies and achieving added value in all directions.

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