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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 5


Impact of a Distance Training Programme on the Development of Teaching & Training Design Skills for Faculty Members

PP: 1615-1628
A. M. Alqoot,
The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of a distance training programme (DTP) to develop the training and educational design skills of a sample of faculty members. A total of (25) members of the pilot sample were taught by Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University. To achieve the objective of the study, the design of a distance training programme was conceived according to the General Design Educational Model (ADDIE) via the Zoom online platform to develop skills in educational and training design (ETD) skills. Actually, two tools have been developed, a tool that measures the knowledge aspect of educational content and a tool that measures the performance aspect of the programmes content for the purpose of determining the level of the pilot group pre and post training programme in the development of educational and training design skills. The results showed the effectiveness of the distance training programme in developing the training and educational design skills of the faculty. In the light of the studys findings, the researcher presented a series of recommendations and suggestions, including the need to adopt distance training (DT) as a sustainable strategy for members professional development, to intensify distance training programmes on the application and use of educational and training design skills.

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