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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 2


The Role of Intelligence Applications In Developing Self- Learning Skills For Adult Learners (Duolingo As A Model)

PP: 603-614
F. B. Al-Mutairi,
This study aimed to identifying the impact of a proposed training program based on utilizing "Duolingo" application as a model for artificial intelligence applications used in developing self-learning skills for adult learners. The study sample consisted of (20) trainees from the adult learners in Social Responsibility Observatory programs at Majmaah University, they studied topics organized according to the training program. The study tools were: (a list of self-education skills, an observation card, and the proposed training program). The study concluded a statistically significant difference at significance level 0.01 between the mean scores of the experimental group in the pre and post application of self- learning skills in relation to skills of (setting learning goals, choosing learning content, participating in learning activities, using learning resources, evaluating learning outcomes, and skills in general) in favor of the post application. The study recommended applying artificial intelligence applications in various adult education programs and developing adult education teachers preparation programs through qualitative teaching skills training, including teaching competencies for Self-learning skills developing.

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