Openness to Experience, Divergent Thinking, and Gender Differences: Domain and Facet Traits |
PP: 269-276 |
Author(s) |
B. N. Al-Samarrai,
N. R. Alsalhi,
Abstract |
Recent creativity studies have provided strong evidence supporting the role of the personality trait of Openness to Experience (Openness) in predicting creative behaviors. These studies have been largely conducted within the framework of the broad Big Five personality traits. In contrast, the validity of narrow traits of which compositing the broad traits has not been adequately addressed. We expected that considering narrow traits might help us deeper understand the role of Openness in creativity. We examined the extent to which narrow personality traits contribute to the prediction of divergent thinking beyond the Big Five factors. To this end, 144 Arab undergraduate students provided data on the domain and facets of Openness. Creativity was measured by Alternative Uses tests. This study has yielded two important results. First, Openness was, at the domain as well as at the facet level, a significant and positive predictor of creativity. Second, the Openness to Feelings is a main predictor for creative female students whereas Openness to Ideas is a significant predictor for creative men students. The limitations and implications of these findings are discussed in the light of previous research.