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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > No. 2


The Phenomenon of Leadership Among Middle Management Leaders in Public Schools in Bahrain: Aspects of Performance, Personality Pattern Analysis, Impact Strategies, and Challenges

PP: 735-743
S. A. Ababneh,
The concept of middle school management leadership refers to teachers who teach and have leadership roles. This study aimed to investigate the phenomenon of leadership among middle management leaders in the Kingdom of Bahrain who occupy the positions of heads or coordinators of school departments in public schools. The current study followed the qualitative methodology by analyzing the final projects of teachers who finished the "Understanding Leadership" course for teachers in 2022. The study sample consisted of (21) projects (presented by 5 males and 16 females) who occupy middle leadership positions in public schools. The study instrument was an analysis sheet that included the dimensions to be studied, the aspects of performance to be changed, personal leadership styles according to international standards and self-reflection, the impact strategies used, and the challenges and strategies used to confront them. The results of the study indicated that the most important aspects of schoolwork that these leaders believe to be the first to change our professional development for teachers, employment of digital empowerment tools, and meeting the needs of new teachers. The most practiced personal leadership styles according to international scales are democracy, diplomacy and transformational, while according to self-reflection they were democracy, transformational and servant. Finally, the most challenges faced by leaders were many educational and administrative tasks and dealing with negative personality patterns for teachers, and resistance to change. The most used strategies to confront these challenges were organizing work, managing time, and following up on the impact of professional development activities and development sessions. The study recommended adopting and implementing a national professional development program for these leaders and proposing complementary studies for this study.

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