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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 06


Empirical Results on Interactive E-learning Using Knowledge Acquisition Based Learning

PP: 2093-2099
M. Malkawi,
This paper presents empirical results on the efficiency of e-Learning systems which deploy and use knowledge acquisition based method (KA-LMS) for enhancing the learning capabilities of students. A new e-Learning method, which was developed by the author, is used to measure the impact of the new method on the learning achievements of the students. The method utilizes learning management systems, which restricts the ability of a learning student to advance from one topic to the next one unless he/she has acquired a minimum set of learning outcomes and knowledge. The data is collected from relatively large class rooms, where students attend online classes using the knowledge acquisition based method, and then the same set of students go through physical face to face exams. The results show that on the average students were able to score in the physical exam similar or higher grades compared to the results obtained automatically using the e-Learning KA-LMS. The effectiveness of KA-LMS was shown to be effective during the Covid-19 lockdown.

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