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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 05


Exploring Influence of Spreading Sport’s Culture on Employees’ Happiness and Tolerance as a Part of Sustainable Development at American College of Dubai

PP: 1733-1740
Tareq Shareef Younus, Hasan Wahbah, Reyaz Ahmad,
Sustainable development is a cultural and global demand regardless of the geographical region of this planet. In this context, the goals of sustainable development are broad and diverse, and the human dimension is one of the most important elements among sustainable development issues. The research purpose focuses on employees in both public and private sectors to shift from the sum of daily or weekly hours to the quality of daily work in their organizations. In this context, the current research team chooses the initiative of the American College of Dubai to designate a weekly sports day for its employees. The main justification behind this research is likely to achieve happiness and tolerance among human relatedness. The research unit at the college initiated the monitoring of the phenomenon and constructed a scale that would explore the achievement of this goal at the American College of Dubai. Sports play an important role in improving employees’ mood and willingness toward healthy performance in a healthy organizational environment. It is considered as a source of energy to improve the organizations working environment and improve cultural homogeneity. Our research observations are based on the case of the American College of Dubai (ACD) as a unique example to identify the impact of weekly sports days on employee happiness. It is designated for this type of social activity among the diversified feature of the collegial working environment. It is worth mentioning that the initiative taken up by the college in (2019) has helped us to identify the impact of such non-academic initiatives on generating an environment of happiness and tolerance among the ACD community.

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