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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 05


Salt Weathering Impact on Archaeological Buildings in Al- Ahsa Governorate Saudi Arabia

PP: 1519 - 1544
Amani Hassan,
Study seeks to clarify the manifestations of the action of salt weathering and its impact on archaeological buildings in Al-Ahsa governorate at Saudi Arabia and to develop a strategic vision for preservation it. Study was based on the principal approach to the study of the factors causing of salt weathering, and the quantitative approach in the study of the characteristics of archaeological buildings materials. As well as inductive, field examination, laboratory analysis. Using a research tool, including a reconnaissance study, field Study which limestone samples were taken of ancient and modern interior and exterior walls of archaeological buildings, as well as laboratory analysis to identify manifestations of salt weathering in archaeological buildings. There is a variety of salt sources in the study area, including is internal as a natural component of building materials, and some are external, such as sources of moisture. All archaeological buildings in Al-Ahsa were affected by salt weathering, water leakage and crystallization. The transition between the two phases led to the breakdown of cohesion between the components of the stone, thus the appearance of cracking and peeling. Salt-resistant cement is recommended in the ground parts of facilities that are permanently exposed to moisture and salts, with a focus on use of moisture and heat insulation materials that are not affected by climatic conditions and suitable for archaeological structure.

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