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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 05


The Impact of Work Life Quality on the Work Leave Intention An Empirical Study Telecommunications Companies in Kingdom of Bahrain

PP: 1403-1417
Mariam Alsabbagh, Khairi Omar,
This study aimed to study the quality of career life impact on the intention to leave work for workers at telecommunications companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The quantitative analytical approach was used as appropriate approach to arrive to the study objectives. The survey questionnaires used to collect the targeted sample size. The research sample consisted of (341) were distributed and (238) valid questionnaires were representing (70%) of response rate. The study findings reported that there was an adverse effect of (75.7%) for the quality of career life on the intention to leave work. The results indicated that there were statistically significant differences between employees in telecommunications companies in the Kingdom of Bahrain regarding the quality of work life and the intention to leave work due to demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, years of experience, and educational qualification). The study recommended the need to develop standards for systems of promotion and career advancement, and they should pay attention to distributing job promotions fairly and equitably.

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