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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 04


Electronic Media and Shaping the Mental image of Arab Women in Public Opinion: Analysis Study

PP: 1277-1297
Mustafa Hameed Kadhim Al-Taei, Ahmed Ankit, Najeh Rajeh Alsalhi,
The study dealt with the role of the media in shaping the mental image of women in public opinion. Advertising has exploited the image of women as a marketing means, and invest their emotional characteristics to stimulate the social change and disruption of development and progress. The study aimed to investigate the role of electronic media in shaping the image of Arab women, the nature of this image, and the mechanisms of imprinting it in the minds of public opinion. The descriptive approach was used to illustrate the study problem and to survey a sample of the contents of womens affairs on the BBC.NEWS website. It was conducted from the years 2020-2021 and represented (183) news and programs that were subjected to analysis and came out with following results: the study showed that 70% of the mental images that an individual forms about the surrounding world come from the media. It also showed that social topics were among the most frequently discussed topics, as they came in by 50.8% and constituted more than half of the contents in the sample, which reflects the personality of women and their social role. The results showed that the contents published on womens affairs on the website of the Arabic channel (BBC News) reflected the negative image of Arab women by 68.85% compared to the contents that reflected the positive image, which represents only 31.14% of the total sample of the analysis.

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