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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 04


Integration of Supply Chains and Operational Performance: The Moderating Effects of Knowledge Management

PP: 1069-1076
Basel J. A. Ali, Hamzeh Ahmad Alawamleh, Mahmoud Izzat Othman Allahham, Jameel Mohammad Alsaraireh, Alaa Tawfiq AL-Zyadat, Amer abdallah hussian badadwa,
Supply chain integration (SCI) is a strategic process management technique that may be used to boost an organizations performance and thereby gain a competitive edge. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate both the direct effect of (SCI) on manufacturing firms operational performance and the moderating effect of knowledge management (KM) on the relationship between supplier integration (SI), customer integration (CI), internal integration (II), and operational performance (OP). The study analyzed survey data from 277 Jordanian manufacturing and industrial businesses using the PLS–Structural Equation method. According to the data, (CI), (II), and (SI) are all positively and significantly associated with operational success. (CI), (II), and (SI) all have a strong and beneficial moderate relationship with (OP). There is, however, no connection between (KM) and (OP). Furthermore, further research may be conducted to assess the applicability of the findings from this study to other populations of varied sizes in other countries. A long-term study that tracks the growth of different measures might provide further insight on the relationship between SCI and OP.

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