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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 06


In Defence of Absolutes: The Evolution of Aphra Behns Political Views

PP: 2013-2021
M. A. Alnwairan, S. M. Al-Shraah, H. A. Al-Jarrah,
The evolution of Aphra Behns political views is a point of scholarly contention. The analysis of her dramatic works starts with her early tragicomedies, like The Young King and The Amorous Prince, and continues through her well- known Exclusion Crisiss sexual comedies, like The Roundheads and Sir Patient Fancy. This paper argues that Behns on- stage royalism was considerably diverse, reflecting various degrees of support for the monarchy. Behn altered her political positions in response to the development of the fierce rivalry between different political parties. Following her concerns and discontent about the kings ability to rule the country in her early plays, Behn developed a remarkable tendency for supporting Charles II and created an image of an impeccable king beyond any criticism. The results suggest that Behn’s Toryism did not reflect an unwavering and unchanging support for the newly restored monarchy, as was assumed previously.

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