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04-Information Sciences Letters
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 11 > No. 02


A New Class of Life Distribution based on Laplace Transform and It’s Applications

PP: 355-362
S. E. Abu-Youssef, A. A. El-Toony,
Based on the approach of Laplace transform, a new class of life distributions called used better than aged in increasing concave denoted by (UBAC(2)L) is introduced. The implication of our proposed class of life distribution with other classes is given. Some properties of UBAC(2)L class of life distribution are studied. By using the goodness of fit methodology, a new test statistic is proposed for testing exponentiality versus UBAC(2)L class of life distribution. Critical values of our test are calculated for complete and censored data. The power of the test and pitman’s asymptotic efficiency (PAE) for some commonly used distributions in reliability are calculated. Finally, a set of real data is used as an example to elucidate the use of the proposed test statistic for practical reliability analysis.

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