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Sohag Journal of Mathematics
An International Journal
Aim and Scope

The Sohag Journal of Mathematics (SJM) continues to publish high-quality research papers in mathematics and mathematical sciences, which are based upon modern analytical and computational methods. It aims at publishing  both pure and applied scientific researches. To be acceptable for publication in SJM, papers must make significant, original and correct contributions. New research papers are published continuously online and collated into the print issues three times each year.

Plagiarism or copying the text or results from other sources and other unethical behaviors on the part of the author are not tolerated by this journal. All manuscripts will be checked for originality by using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck, please visit http://www.crossref.org/crosscheck.html

Why should you publish in the Sohag Journal of Mathematics (SJM)?

High quality standards: Constructive, authoritative and fair peer-review.

Fast publication: Providing a quick and professional service to ensure rapid first decision, acceptance and publication. Once accepted, your article will be accessible to readers online.

International Editorial Board: World -Class Editorial Board consisting of widely-recognized and highly-cited researchers.

Article types

Sohag Journal of Mathematics welcomes submissions of the following article types:

Papers: Reports of high-quality original research with conclusions representing a significant advance in the field.

Letters: Outstanding concise articles, reporting important, new and state-of-the-art developments. These articles should be deemed to deserve priority peer-review, and the authors are required to upload a justification statement or highlights along with the submission.

Topical reviews: Written by leading researchers in their fields, these articles present the background to and overview of a particular field and the current state of the art. Topical review articles are normally invited by the Editorial Board.

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