| Editor-in-Chief Prof. Anjan Biswas Department of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Alabama A&M University, Normal, AL–35762, USA E-mail: biswas.anjan@gmail.com |
| Editorial Board Prof. Yuri Rostovtsev University of North Texas , USA Tel: (940) 565-3281 E-mail: yuri.rostovtsev@unt.edu
| Prof. F. F. Fanchini Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil Web Site: http://www.bv.fapesp.br/en/pesquisador/79537/felipe-fernandes-fanchini/ E-mail: fanchini@fc.unesp.br
| Prof. Adam Miranowicz Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland http://zon8.physd.amu.edu.pl/~miran/ Tel: +48 61 8295 283 E-mail: miran@amu.edu.pl
| Prof. K. Birgitta Whaley University of California, Berkeley, USA Director, Berkeley Quantum Information and Computation Center E-mail: whaley@berkeley.edu Tel: 510.643.6820 Web Site: http://www.cchem.berkeley.edu/kbwgrp/index.php/People/BirgittaWhaley
| Prof. S. Kais Purdue University , USA E-mail: kais@purdue.edu Tel: (765) 494-5965 Fax: (765) 494-0239 Web Site: http://www.chem.purdue.edu/kais/ |
| Prof. E. Giacobino Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France E-mail: elisabeth.giacobino@lkb.upmc.fr Web Site: http://www.lkb.upmc.fr/quantumoptics/elisabeth-giacobino/ |
| Prof. A. R. McGurn Western Michigan University, U.S.A. Web Site: https://wmich.edu/physics/directory/mcgurn Tel: (269) 387-4950 E-mail: arthur.mcgurn@wmich.edu
| Prof. I. Rotter Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Germany Tel: +(49) 351 871 2111 Email: rotter@pks.mpg.de Web Site: http://www.mpipks-dresden.mpg.de/~rotter/
| Prof. S. Mandal Department of Physics, Santiniketan , India Tel: 91-3463-264746 E-mail: swapan.mandal@visva-bharati.ac.in |
| Prof. Pascal QUEMERAIS Institut NEEL CNRS, Grenoble, France Tel: 04 76 88 10 00 pascal.quemerais@neel.cnrs.fr Web Site: http://neel.cnrs.fr/spip.php?article260&personne=pascal.quemerais&lang=en |
| Prof. Shigeru Furuichi Professor of Mathematical Science, Nihon University, Japan E-mail: jaic957@yahoo.co.jp Web Site: http://kenkyu-web.cin.nihon-u.ac.jp/Profiles/76/0007543/prof_e.html |
| Prof. Eed M. Darwish, Sohag University, Egypt E-mail: eeddarwish@yahoo.com Tel. No. +201118274322 |
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