Soft Regularity and Normality based on Semi Open Soft Sets and Soft Ideals |
PP: 47-55 |
Author(s) |
A. Kandil,
O. A. E. Tantawy,
S. A. El-Sheikh,
A. M. Abd El-latif,
Abstract |
Shabir and Naz in [27] introduced the notion of soft topological spaces. They defined soft topology on the collection t of
soft sets over X. Consequently, they defined soft separation axioms, soft regular spaces and soft normal spaces and established their
several properties. Min in [30] investigate some properties of these soft separation axioms. Kandil et al. [12] introduce the notion of
soft semi separation axioms. In particular they study the properties of the soft semi regular spaces and soft semi normal spaces. In the
present paper, we introduce the notions of soft regular (normal) spaces based on the notions of semi open soft sets and soft ideals. Also,
we discuss some properties of these notions and introduce an alternative descriptions of the notions of soft regular spaces via soft ideals
[7], which is more general. |