A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Discrete Optimal Power Flow |
PP: 197-204 |
Author(s) |
Cong-Hui Huang,
Abstract |
This paper proposes a hybrid immune and simulated annealing algorithm (HISA) to solve equivalent current injection
based optimal power flow problem with both continuous and discrete control variables, which is known as discrete optimal power flow
(DOPF). Continuous and discrete variables are processed using different techniques; continuous variables (unit active power outputs and
generator-bus voltage magnitudes) are solved by current-based OPF, and discrete variable (transformer-tap settings and shunt capacitor
devices) using HISA. Computational results indicate that HISA incorporates unique features that include a novel diversity and affinity
calculation method, and a redefined crossover and mutation scheme. As a result, HISA performs better in terms of robustness and
efficiency in non-convex OPF problems. |