Selfadjoint Extentions of a First Order Differential Operator |
PP: 39-45 |
Author(s) |
Z. I. Ismailov,
M. Sertbaş,
E. Otkun Çevik,
Abstract |
In this work, all selfadjoint extensions of the minimal operator generated by linear singular multipoint symmetric differential
expression l =(l−, l1, . . . , ln, l+), l∓ =i d
dt +A∓,lk =i d
dt +Ak, where the coefficients A∓, Ak are selfadjoint operators in separable Hilbert
spaces H∓, Hk, k = 1, . . . ,n, n ∈ N respectively, are researched in the direct sum of Hilbert spaces of vector-functions
L2(H−, (−¥,a))⊕L2(H1, (a1,b1))⊕. . .⊕L2(Hn, (an,bn))⊕L2(H+, (b,+¥))
−¥ < a < a1 < b1 < . . . < an < bn < b < +¥. Also, the structure of the spectrum of these extensions is investigated. |