Computer Simulation of Oil Dispersion in Rivers in Brazil Following a Spill: A Case Study Involving the Berigui and Iguaçu Rivers |
PP: 7-11 |
Author(s) |
Vincius Alexandre Sikora de Souza,
Assed Naled Haddad,
Abstract |
This study analyzed the dispersion of oil leaked from the Presidente Getulio Vargas Refinery in 2000 into the Iguac¸u and
Berigui Rivers, both in the State of Parana, Brazil. We studied three (3) flow scenarios: the first with the values observed on the day of
the accident, the second utilizing peak values and the third, using low flow. We used Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate
propagation of the plume. The plume showed a greater spread during the maximum flow of water, while for less flow, less dispersion
of oil occurred. These results show that in situations of low flow, adoption of measures aimed at mitigating environmental damage
(containment and recovery of spilled oil) are easier than recovery of spilled oil dispersed in the plume at high flow. |