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06- Advanced Engineering Technology and Application
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 2 > No. 3


Moving Objects Detection in Intelligence Video Surveillance

PP: 25-32
Atuahene Samuel, Qin Shihong, Yuan Fating,
Multiple driving systems (in reference to target recognition and tracking) is a critical element in electronic warfare (EW), advanced avionics, smart weapons, and many other additional fields. In this article, we introduce a new technique for multiple systems operation for cars. Our system enables a vehicle, with its artificial intelligence, to recognize another vehicle as a target. The target takes full access in controlling the trajectory of the vehicle and enables the following car to track it exactly and continuously from one point to another as far as the recognition area is not blocked by other objects. To begin with, after capturing the image to obtain the reference image, the binarization process continues in order to get the target information with the coordinates of “x” and “y”, then the width (w) and height (h). The third process is to search the image area by using a reference block to match the obtained target in the current image. Next, it computes the different size of the last image and current image of target to get speed instructions of the following vehicle to be able to control its speed. Again, the direction becomes an important factor to consider, according to the difference of the last coordinates and current coordinates of the target’s centre point. The system will have components same as a robot. A movable physical structure to move the body structure, a motor of some sort, a sensor system that receives information about the body and the surrounding environment, a power supply to activate the muscles and sensors and a computer ”brain” that processes sensory information and tells the muscles what to do that controls all of these elements. Of course, also some intangible attributes, such as intelligence and morality, but on the sheer physical level, the list above about covers it. An analog camera, this will serve as the eyes for the car. It will capture images which will be manipulated by a main board (computer “brain”) which has been fixed on it for current location and position of target for successful tracking.

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