A Rigorous Approach for Calculating the Chemical Potential of an Ultrarelativistic Spherical Degenerate Fermi Gas Interacting with Nuclear Matter |
PP: 31-34 |
Author(s) |
M. A. Grado-Caffaro,
M. Grado-Caffaro,
Abstract |
We present an accurate analytical formulation to determine the chemical potential of an ultrarelativistic spherical degenerate
Fermi gas interacting with nuclear matter by examining rigorously the three terms of the general mathematical expression for the
chemical-potential energy namely, the Fermi energy, the optical-potential energy, and a third term which is negligible if the Fermi
gas is dilute. In fact, we derive the above expression as a function of distance and absolute temperature. The Fermi velocity is also
determined. In addition, essential aspects of the optical potential are discussed. |