Some New Classes of Quasi Split Feasibility Problems |
PP: 1547-1552 |
Author(s) |
Muhammad Aslam Noor,
Khalida Inayat Noor,
Abstract |
In thispaper, we introduce and consider a new problem of finding u ∈ K(u) such that Au ∈C, where K : u→K(u) is a closed
convex-valued set in the real Hilbert space H1, C is closed convex set in the real Hilbert space H2 respectively and A is linear bounded
self-adjoint operator from H1 and H2. This problem is called the quasi split feasibility problem. We show that the quasi feasibility
problem is equivalent to the fixed point problem and quasi variational inequality. These s alternative equivalent formulations are used to
consider the existence of a solution of the quasi split feasibility problem. Some special cases are also considered. Problems considered
in this paper may open further research opportunities in these fields. |