Integrating Fuzzy Logic into Economic Viability Studies for Sustainable Farming |
PP: 387-401 |
Author(s) |
Suleiman Ibrahim Mohammad,
N. Yogeesh,
N. Raja,
F. T. Z. Jabeen,
B. A. Ashwakh Ahamed,
Asokan Vasudevan,
Abstract |
Farmers’ decision-making regarding organic farming systems has many complexities and uncertainties, making them challenging to assess economically. Most conventional deterministic functions that describe production functions lack the means to capture dynamic relationships among production costs, market prices and yield variability typical of organic practices. In this paper we present a new approach based on fuzzy logic to overcome the above issues. In this theoretical case study of an organic vegetable farming system, its feasibility is evaluated with a fuzzy logic-based methodology. The method utilizes fuzzy variables and expert knowledge along with fuzzy rules to consider uncertainties and gives a robust assessment. We contrast the findings to conventional economic evaluation approaches, pointing out the shortcomings of deterministic approaches. The results highlight the importance of the fuzzy logic based approach to obtain a better representation of the economic expectations of the organic farming systems. This method profound the effects on farmers, policymakers, and also researchers, enabling sustainable agriculture and informed solutions in various practices.