Utilizing the Gamma-Ray Spectrometric and Magnetic Methods for Determining the Radioactive Anomalies and Their Relation to the Subsurface Structures, Wadi Hammad and vicinity area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt |
PP: 291-306 |
Author(s) |
Mohamed A. Shaheen,
Abstract |
Metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks of many sorts are present in the area under consideration. The primary objectives of this study are to identify the structural pattern and define the highly radioactive zones in the Wadi Hammad and vicinity area using data from an airborne survey. The examined areas total count, eU, and eTh maps show a wide range of radioactivity, with values ranging roughly from 2 to 20 Ur, 0.1 to 13 ppm, and 1 to 32 ppm respectively. The highly white color seen in the radioelement composite image, which denotes a rise in the concentrations of the three radioelements in the northwest, center, and east of the area under investigation, is primarily associated with older granite, younger granite, and post-granitic dykes. Through integration between the residual and geology of the researched area, surface lineament evaluations were performed. This integration offered solid proof that two sets of faults have NE-SW and NW-SE trending directions. To eliminate the local magnetic impact, the total aeromagnetic intensity data was decreased to the north magnetic pole (RTP). The power spectrum approach was applied to the RTP data to determine the various magnetic wavelengths of the regional and residual magnetic components. Advanced approaches were also used to reference the RTP data for structural interpretation and depth estimation. These techniques include upward continuation, Werner, and the Gm-Sys modeling tool. For the regional and residual components, the power spectrum curve displays two linear segments at 1800 and 800 m, respectively. While the residual map has trended ENE, WNW, NE, and NS, the interpretation of RTP for the regional aeromagnetic map has almost trended ENE and NW. According to the magnetic modeling, the basements greatest depth is close to 1500 m, and it gets deeper as you move away from the basins southwest. The research area is influenced by prominent structural components such as faults and lithological contacts. These components mostly target NNW and NNE trends. There is an agreement between the structural lineaments and high radioactive zones. |