Investigation of Neutron Attenuation Capability of Different Clay Materials |
PP: 243-249 |
Author(s) |
Rowayda. Fayez,
Mohamed. Elsafi,
Abstract |
This research intends to develop various shielding materials to shield employees and general public from the effects of neutron radiation. The Monte Carlo N-Particle (MCNP) transport algorithm is used to predict the neutron macroscopic cross section (or neutron attenuation) for three samples of distinct clays (ball clay, kaolin, and betonies). Simultaneously an experimental work with the aide of the neutron source Plutonium-Alpha-Beryllium (Pu-α-Be) is done to measure the neutron flux and the neutron macroscopic cross section in order to verify the theoretical results. In the current study, a number of kinds of Egyptian clays are regarded as a natural construction materials have been examined as radiation shielding materials. The microstructure of these samples was examined using scanning electron microscopy. These sorts of construction materials have excellent chemical durability, In addition to being naturally available; they also have a low hydraulic conductivity and a reasonably high hardness. Compared to other shielding materials, the clays are good resistant to chemicals and environment factors and are more readily available in Egypt. |