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06- Advanced Engineering Technology and Application
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 01


Specifics of Business Processes Analysis in the University Document Management System

PP: 67-73
Shynar Toktar, Lyazzat Atymtayeva,
These days, IT departments are focusing on selecting and implementing Document Management Systems (DMS) to streamline decision-making and automate various workflows. Using DMS, documents are stored and accessed much more efficiently through the digitization and automation of processes, significantly reducing the time and costs associated with manual document management. Consequently, it is essential that DMS function efficiently and meet the needs of users. This includes ensuring robust security measures to protect sensitive information and providing intuitive user interfaces to enhance user adoption. Despite the critical role of DMS in IT infrastructure, there is a lack of comprehensive analysis of these systems. This work aims to fill that gap by providing high-quality, reliable information based on real-world analysis of university DMS and their impact on business processes.

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