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World Research of Political Science Journal
An International Journal


Volumes > Volume 7 > No. 1


Women in the Digital Age in India

PP: 1-15
This analysis explores how women engage in Indias governance, especially in Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), and the impact of digitalization on their involvement. It highlights how digital technologies are breaking traditional barriers, and empowering women to actively engage in local governance. Through online platforms, women access resources, participate in decision-making, and voice concerns. Digitalization streamlines administrative procedures, enabling virtual participation and reducing logistical hurdles. This convergence of womens involvement in PRIs and digitalization represents a transformative force for inclusive governance, fostering social justice and gender equality. However, challenges persist, including societal norms and access barriers. The analysis underscores the importance of integrating a gender perspective into ICT initiatives and fostering collaboration to eliminate gender barriers in technology. It emphasizes the need for continued efforts to empower women, enabling their full contribution to Indias development journey

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