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Journal of Knowledge Management Application and Practice
An International Journal


Volumes > Volume 1 > No 1


A Systems Approach to the Artificial Intelligence Concept

PP: 33-39
M S S El Namaki,
To an entrant, Artificial Intelligence (AI) constitutes an amorphous phenomenon. Ways and means of containing this concept within a systems framework is the focus of this article. The article resorts to qualitative analysis as a medium. It advances a systems theory framework as the boundary for an AI structure where all things would fall in place. The article suggests a framework where an artificial intelligence system has inputs, transformation processes and an output. A feedback loop as well. The inputs are built around data and artificial neurons. Transformation is done through analysis and learning. And the outcome is composed of insights, sub-systems and technologies. Feedback built on the outcomes completes the system loop. The article provides a convenient vehicle for understanding of the components of artificial intelligence and their flow. It could be useful into understand AI applications and their situational relevance

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