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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 3


Statistical Analysis of Language Problems in Students with Learning Disabilities in Irbid District

PP: 881-890
Nayef A. Wahsheh, Ayed M.Melhem, Faisal K. ALshraah, W. A. AL Momani,
The study statistically analyzed expressive and receptive language problems among students with learning disabilities at Irbid District. The sample of the study included students with learning disabilities enrolled at resource rooms in the educational directorate of Irbid District in the second semester of the school year 2022/2023 totaling (241) male and female students (132 males, 109 females). The analytical descriptive design was employed. A (25) items instrument measuring receptive and expressive language problems was developed and administrated. The results of the study indicated that level of receptive and expressive language problems among students with learning disabilities at Irbid District was high. There were no statistically significant differences (α=0.05) due to gender in the two domains and the total score of receptive and expressive language problems. The study recommended the need for more collaboration among educators and parents to consider the needs of learning disabilities students and that all training, material and moral resources should be provided to develop receptive and expressive language skills among students with learning disabilities.

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