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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 12 > S1


Sustainable Development in light of the Bahraini National Action Charter

PP: 1399-1405
Ali M. Aldada, R. Alrasheed, M. Khalifa,
The objectives of the National Action Charter of Bahrain include improving the quality of life, encouraging investment in the green economy, providing job opportunities, developing skills, promoting environmental management, protecting the environment and biodiversity, developing civil society, and encouraging womens participation in economic and political life. The National Action Charter has achieved great success in achieving the goals of sustainable development in Bahrain, as it contributed to improving the quality of life, providing job opportunities, protecting the environment, and raising awareness of the importance of sustainable development. In order to sustain this success, the National Action Charter requires a commitment to promoting economic diversification, improving environmental management, supporting civil society, and encouraging womens participation in economic and political life. Despite Bahrains challenges, it is committed to achieving sustainable development goals and strengthening its position as a model for sustainable development in the world. The study also raises a major question, which is what is the role of the Bahrain National Charter in achieving the goals of sustainable development? In order to answer the study question and test the hypothesis, the researchers will review previous studies in the field of sustainable development, and study the basic concepts of sustainable development and its role in comprehensive development. As well as studying the history and work of the Bahraini National Charter and how to apply it on the ground, and analyzing the challenges Bahrain faces in achieving sustainable development and how to overcome them. In addition to studying the sustainability practices adopted in Bahrain. : It was proven to us that the hypothesis from which the study was based was correct, which was based on the fact that the Bahraini National Charter includes a number of procedures and policies that aim to achieve sustainable development in Bahrain. It has become clear to us that the National Charter plays a vital role in directing efforts towards achieving the goals of sustainable development, and it is one of the main tools used by Bahrain in achieving these goals, by encouraging innovation and green technology, the transition to a low-carbon economy, and improving the quality of air, water and soil. Protecting the environment and promoting biodiversity. The Bahrain National Charter also works to promote the sustainability of economic growth, the environment and society. In order for this success to continue, the Bahraini National Charter requires commitment to promoting economic diversification, improving environmental management, supporting civil society, and encouraging womens participation in economic and political life. Despite the challenges facing Bahrain, it is committed to achieving the goals of sustainable development and strengthening its position as a model for sustainable development in the world.

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