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03- Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability
An International Journal


Volumes > Vol. 13 > No. 1


Residual and Past Entropies of Concomitants from Lai And Xie Extensions of Case-II of Generalized Order Statistics and its Dual

PP: 571-585
A. Gamal, S. M. EL-Arishy, L. S. Diab, Mohamed Said Mohamed,
In this article, we consider a new extensions of Morgenstern family is Lai and Xie extensions and discuss their concomitants for case-II of generalized order statistics and case-II of dual generalized order statistics. Additionally, recurrence relation between moments is found for the recommended models. We have also derived the expression for the joint distribution of concomitants for case-II of generalized order statistics and its dual. The residual and past entropies are shown last.

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